Some time ago I was asking about building demolition. The impression was that they mainly implode buildings to get rid of them.
Yesterday one of our papers carried an item that led me to this...
even includes trolley cars
Yup, there are some technologically retarded outfits that still use wrecking balls - just as there are structural carpenters who still use hammers and not nail guns.
As the lead article made plain, ye olde wrecking ball is a somewhat less than totally controllable beast. It seldom strikes exactly where the operator intends, and can do considerable damage when it goes where it isn't supposed to. Of course, the alternatives are expensive (priced any hydraulic wrecking machinery lately?) and also have their own learning curve.
Implosion is preferred for the rapid decomposition of large structures - but it is costly and there aren't that many experts running around. For many smaller projects it isn't cost effective.
Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)