I would advise against it. The plastic around it was special designed to carry heat away from the decoder.
Get this: Thermal Adhesive http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835100013&cm_re=thermal_paste-_-35-100-013-_-Product
It's a non conducting thermal adhesive which is a glue designed to conduct heat away from sources. Attach it to a piece of metal. (I used the metal tender shell of my Shay). It never overheated once. But it better work as it's permenent. If you are sticking it in the tender try placing it on the metal weight at the base that most tenders have.Use a thin of layer as possible!
Don - Specializing in layout DC->DCC conversions
Modeling C&O transition era and steel industries There's Nothing Like Big Steam!
I certainly wound not! What a sticky mess that would be. Go down to the drug store and ask for some Coban wrap, the kind that sticks only to itself. One or two times around with that will protect it. It does not conduct electricity, but then neither will it prevent shorts should you imerss it in water or something. The stuff is also excellent for wraping cables neathly.
You can even use it to hod dressings in place.
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I have a TSU 750 which has no shrink wrap - brand new. Can I use electrical tape as a substitute?