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Diesel sound but no horn or bell

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Diesel sound but no horn or bell
Posted by 1943Mike on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 1:10 PM

I've created a four loco consist ("A" unit forward, two "B" units following also forward, and an "A" unit backward) using Atlas N scale F1A's and F1B's with ESU Loksound decoders. The consist runs and I hear the diesel motor sound but no bell or horn. I've made sure using my program track that the volume is at maximum for the bell and horn. I made sure that CV32 was set to number 1 before adjusting the CV's for the bell and horn ... CV's #'s 275 (horn) and 283 (bell). I don't know what is going on ... why can't I get either or both of the bell and horn sounds?

I am using an NCE Power Cab on my small "programming" layout. I use an NCE Cab06 (with an NCE 5 amp booster) on my larger layout.

Any suggestions? I'm not, BTW, thrilled with ESU LokSound decoders as installed in these Atlas N scale locos ... way too much of a chance to dislocate or short the motor leads to the decoder if one breathes too hard on the loco with the shell removed in order to install or replace the decoder ... ask me how I knowEmbarrassed.


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Posted by Tophias on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 8:38 PM

Mike, if NCE structures consisting like Digitrax, the lead (Top) unit only will sound a bell and horn, similar to how a prototype would. The other three units would only sound the prime mover. I'd go back and check that your lead unit had F1 and F2 active when you created the consist. Then again, I don't know how you could defeat these two functions.

Regards, Chris 

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Posted by maxman on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 9:58 PM

Are there not 2 CV's that you have to adjust to make changes?

And sometimes you need to tilt the lco off the track for the changes to happen (poweris interruptis).

And did you have the bell/horn working properly originally?

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Posted by 1943Mike on Friday, December 6, 2024 6:01 PM

Chris, Thanks for the reply.

I have had both A units working properly (deisel sounds, bell and horn) prior to putting them in a four loco consist (F1A lead loco forward, two F1B units both forward, and one F1A unit going backward as the fourth locomotive in the consist).

I suppose that only the lead locomotive should have the bell and horn sounds available, but I don't know for sure. What I guess I should try is re-doing the consist with the trailing "A" unit switched to the lead position and the current first locomotive ("A" unit) in the rear. I was just hoping that someone with an NCE Power Cab system would have more knowledge about this problem. But, what the heck, it's all fun. So I'll do some switching around just to test the possibility that there may be a difference between the lead and end locomotive decoders that is keeping the bell and horn sounds from happening.

Anyway, thanks for chiming in.

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Posted by 1943Mike on Friday, December 6, 2024 6:08 PM

Maxman, thanks for your input.

Both locomotives ("A" units) were working fine (having both the horn and bell sounds given when I commanded them. It's just that, in this four locomotive consist, the horn and bell commands do nothing. As I said, the diesel sounds do start up on all four units ... just haven't been able to get the bell and horn when pressing function buttons for them (F1 and F2).

I made sure that CV32 was set to 1 before attempting to go into the CV's to change CV's 21 & 22 to 255 respectively. That's what the Atlas instructions say to do when using these ESU LokSound decoders.

Always appreciate your thoughts on these things.


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Posted by Tophias on Friday, December 6, 2024 8:32 PM

Mike, much of what I know about DCC (which isn't much Big Smile) I learned thru trial and error. And by asking a bunch of questions on this forum. There have been past members (May they rest in peace) and present members who were extremely helpful to me and others. I just hope this forum can return to what it was 2 years ago.

Regards, Chris 

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