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Arduino uses and wondering why there aren't more articles here
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<p>[quote user="nycmodel"]</p> <p>Finally got my Arduino code worked out on the bench and wired it up to the layout for my crossing gate and flasher logic.</p> <p><img style="display:inline;" src="http://i1347.photobucket.com/albums/p709/Modelrrtrains/arduino%202016%20004_zpsh0kdljd8.jpg" alt=" " /></p> <p>Since I had many circuit boards left over from my original Bruce Chubb CRMI installation on a previous layout, I chose to utilize those cab relays where possible by modifying the boards. The perfboard on the upper right allows the Arduino outputs to drive the relays via the transistors. I added additional Optimized Detectors to cover the 6 inputs.</p> <p><img style="display:inline;" src="http://i1347.photobucket.com/albums/p709/Modelrrtrains/arduino%202016%20001_zpsjogprljk.jpg" alt=" " /></p> <p><img style="display:inline;" alt=" " /></p> <p><img style="width:704px;height:auto;display:inline;" src="http://i1347.photobucket.com/albums/p709/Modelrrtrains/arduino%20controlled%20system_jpg_zpssb0xwpb9.jpg" alt=" " /></p> <p><br />/*<br /> crossing_logic_1<br />12/24/16<br /> <br /> gates_down_1 flashers_on_1<br /> |---- X<br /> -----------------| |-----------------------------------| |------------------ signal_block_1 entire length<br /> west_block_1 mid_block_1 east_block_1<br /> <br /> -----------------| |-----------------------------------| |------------------ signal_block_2 entire length<br /> west_block_2 ----| mid_block_2 X east_block_2<br /> <br /> gates_down_2 flashers_on_2<br /> <br /> All 6 inputs are from Chubb Optimized detectors where HIGH = unoccupied and LOW = occupied<br /> All 4 outputs will turn on HIGH when the proper inputs are LOW, driving relays via transistors connected to the 12v supply. These relays<br /> will then activate crossing gates, flashers and block signals.<br /> <br /> */<br /> <br />// Define pins<br />const int west_block_1_pin = 2;<br />const int mid_block_1_pin = 3;<br />const int east_block_1_pin = 4;<br />const int west_block_2_pin = 5;<br />const int mid_block_2_pin = 6;<br />const int east_block_2_pin = 7;<br />const int gates_down_pin = 8;<br />const int flashers_on_pin = 9;<br />const int signal_block_1_pin = 10;<br />const int signal_block_2_pin = 11;<br /><br />// Define and initialize all variables as HIGH (off) except outputs that drive relays through transister switches where HIGH is on.<br />int west_block_1 = HIGH;<br />int mid_block_1 = HIGH;<br />int east_block_1 = HIGH;<br />int west_block_2 = HIGH;<br />int mid_block_2 = HIGH;<br />int east_block_2 = HIGH;<br />int gates_down_1 = LOW; //relay active HIGH to show gates down for block 1<br />int flashers_on_1 = LOW; //relay active HIGH to show flashers on for block 1<br />int gates_down_2 = LOW; //relay active HIGH to show gates down for block 2<br />int flashers_on_2 = LOW; //relay active HIGH to show flashers for block 2<br />int signal_block_1 = LOW; //relay active HIGH to show block 1 occupied<br />int signal_block_2 = LOW; //relay active HIGH to show block 2 occupied<br />int eastbound_sequence_1 = HIGH; //active HIGH show eastbound train moving through block 1<br />int westbound_sequence_1 = HIGH; //active HIGH show westbound train moving through block 1<br />int eastbound_sequence_2 = HIGH; //active HIGH show eastbound train moving through block 2<br />int westbound_sequence_2 = HIGH; //active HIGH show westbound train moving through block 2<br />void setup() {<br /> //start serial connection for debugging<br /> Serial.begin(9600);<br /> // initialize digital pin 13 as an output for onboard LED to use as a "heartbeat" for the sketch<br /> pinMode(13, OUTPUT);<br /> //configure pins 2 to 7 as an input and enable the internal pull-up resistor<br /> pinMode(west_block_1_pin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Unlike pinMode(INPUT), there is no pull-down resistor necessary. An internal<br /> pinMode(mid_block_1_pin, INPUT_PULLUP); // 20K-ohm resistor is pulled to 5V. This configuration causes the input to<br /> pinMode(east_block_1_pin, INPUT_PULLUP); // read HIGH when the switch is open, and LOW when it is closed.<br /> pinMode(west_block_2_pin, INPUT_PULLUP);<br /> pinMode(mid_block_2_pin, INPUT_PULLUP);<br /> pinMode(east_block_2_pin, INPUT_PULLUP); <br /> //configure pins 8 to 11 as outputs. HIGH when not actuated and LOW when actuated ;i.e. action activated<br /> pinMode(gates_down_pin, OUTPUT);<br /> pinMode(flashers_on_pin, OUTPUT);<br /> pinMode(signal_block_1_pin, OUTPUT);<br /> pinMode(signal_block_2_pin, OUTPUT);<br /> // Initialize all outputs as off<br /> digitalWrite(gates_down_pin, LOW); //start with gates up<br /> digitalWrite(flashers_on_pin, LOW); //start with flashers off<br /> digitalWrite(signal_block_1_pin, LOW); //start with block 1 unoccupied<br /> digitalWrite(signal_block_2_pin, LOW); //start with block 2 unoccupied<br /> <br />}<br /><br />void loop() {<br /> digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // turn the "heartbeat" LED on <br /> //read the input values into the variables<br /> west_block_1 = digitalRead(west_block_1_pin);<br /> mid_block_1 = digitalRead(mid_block_1_pin);<br /> east_block_1 = digitalRead(east_block_1_pin);<br /> west_block_2 = digitalRead(west_block_2_pin);<br /> mid_block_2 = digitalRead(mid_block_2_pin);<br /> east_block_2 = digitalRead(east_block_2_pin);<br /> Serial.print("gates_down_1: ");<br /> Serial.println(gates_down_1);<br /> Serial.print("flashers on_1: ");<br /> Serial.println(flashers_on_1);<br /> Serial.print("gates_down_2: ");<br /> Serial.println(gates_down_2);<br /> Serial.print("flashers on_2: ");<br /> Serial.println(flashers_on_2);<br /> Serial.print("west_block_1: ");<br /> Serial.println(west_block_1);<br /> Serial.print("mid_block_1: ");<br /> Serial.println(mid_block_1);<br /> Serial.print("east_block_1: ");<br /> Serial.println(east_block_1);<br /> Serial.print("west_block_2: ");<br /> Serial.println(west_block_2);<br /> Serial.print("mid_block_2: ");<br /> Serial.println(mid_block_2);<br /> Serial.print("east_block_2: ");<br /> Serial.println(east_block_2);<br /> Serial.print("eastbound_sequence_1: ");<br /> Serial.println(eastbound_sequence_1);<br /> Serial.print("westbound_sequence_1: ");<br /> Serial.println(westbound_sequence_1);<br /> Serial.print("eastbound_sequence_2: ");<br /> Serial.println(eastbound_sequence_2);<br /> Serial.print("westbound_sequence_2: ");<br /> Serial.println(westbound_sequence_2);<br /> <br /> <br /> if (west_block_1 == HIGH && mid_block_1 == HIGH && east_block_1 == HIGH && west_block_2 == HIGH && mid_block_2 == HIGH && east_block_2 == HIGH) { //blocks 1 and 2 completely clear<br /> /* ---------------------------------------------- INITIALIZATION LOGIC ------------------------------------------------------ */ <br /> digitalWrite(gates_down_pin, LOW); //raise gates<br /> digitalWrite(flashers_on_pin, LOW); //turn off flashers<br /> gates_down_1 = LOW; //show gates up<br /> flashers_on_1 = LOW; //show flashers off<br /> gates_down_2 = LOW; //show gates up<br /> flashers_on_2 = LOW; //show flashers off<br /> eastbound_sequence_1 = HIGH; //initialize block 1 eastbound sequence<br /> westbound_sequence_1 = HIGH; //initialize block 1 westbound sequence<br /> eastbound_sequence_2 = HIGH; //initialize block 2 eastbound sequence<br /> westbound_sequence_2 = HIGH; //initialize block 2 westbound sequence<br /> digitalWrite(signal_block_1_pin, LOW); //show block 1 clear<br /> digitalWrite(signal_block_2_pin, LOW); //show block 2 clear<br /> Serial.println("Initializing block 1"); <br /> Serial.println("Initializing block 2"); } <br /> else if (west_block_1 == HIGH && mid_block_1 == HIGH && east_block_1 == HIGH){ //block 1 completely clear<br /> eastbound_sequence_1 = HIGH; //initialize block 1 eastbound sequence<br /> westbound_sequence_1 = HIGH; //initialize block 1 westbound sequence<br /> digitalWrite(signal_block_1_pin, LOW); //show block 1 clear<br /> Serial.println("Initializing block 1"); }<br /> else if (west_block_2 == HIGH && mid_block_2 == HIGH && east_block_2 == HIGH){ //block 2 completely clear<br /> eastbound_sequence_2 = HIGH; //initialize block 2 eastbound sequence<br /> westbound_sequence_2 = HIGH; //initialize block 2 westbound sequence<br /> digitalWrite(signal_block_2_pin, LOW); //show block 1 clear<br /> Serial.println("Initializing block 2"); } <br /> <br /> /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ <br /> /* If the blocks are not completely clear then proceed with the gate and flasher logic for each block */<br /> /* --------------------------------------------------------- BLOCK 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- */<br /> /* ------------------------------------------------------ CROSSING GATE ------------------------------------------------------------- */<br /> /* ----------------------------------------------------- EASTBOUND LOGIC ------------------------------------------------------------ */<br /> if (west_block_1 == LOW && mid_block_1 == HIGH && gates_down_1 == LOW && eastbound_sequence_1 == HIGH && westbound_sequence_1 == HIGH) { //initial Eastbound approach gates<br /> digitalWrite(gates_down_pin, HIGH); //drop gates<br /> gates_down_1 = HIGH; //show gates down<br /> eastbound_sequence_1 = LOW; //set start of eastbound sequence <br /> Serial.print("Drop gates initial eastbound"); }<br /> else if (west_block_1 == HIGH && mid_block_1 == LOW && gates_down_1 == HIGH && eastbound_sequence_1 == LOW && westbound_sequence_1 == HIGH) { //clearing crossing eastbound gates<br /> gates_down_1 = LOW;}<br /> /* --------------------------------------------------- WESTBOUND LOGIC ------------------------------------------------------------ */<br /> else if (mid_block_1 == LOW && west_block_1 == HIGH && gates_down_1 == LOW && eastbound_sequence_1 == HIGH) { //&& westbound_sequence_1 == HIGH && eastbound_sequence_1 == HIGH) { //initial Westbound approach gates<br /> digitalWrite(gates_down_pin, HIGH); //drop gates<br /> gates_down_1 = HIGH; //show gates down<br /> westbound_sequence_1 = LOW; //set start of westbound sequence <br /> Serial.print("Drop gates initial westbound"); }<br /> else if (west_block_1 == LOW && mid_block_1 == HIGH && gates_down_1 == HIGH && westbound_sequence_1 == LOW) { //clearing crossing westbound gates<br /> gates_down_1 = LOW;}<br /> <br /> /* ------------------------------------------------------__ FLASHER ------------------------------------------------------------- */ <br /> /* ----------------------------------------------------- EASTBOUND LOGIC ------------------------------------------------------------ */<br /> else if (mid_block_1 == LOW && east_block_1 == HIGH && flashers_on_1 == LOW && eastbound_sequence_1 == LOW && westbound_sequence_1 == HIGH) { //initial Eastbound approach flashers<br /> digitalWrite(flashers_on_pin, HIGH); //turn on flashers<br /> flashers_on_1 = HIGH; //show flashers on<br /> eastbound_sequence_1 = LOW; //set start of eastbound sequence<br /> Serial.print("Flashers on initial eastbound"); }<br /> else if (east_block_1 == LOW && mid_block_1 == HIGH && flashers_on_1 == HIGH && eastbound_sequence_1 == LOW) { //clearing crossing eastbound flashers<br /> flashers_on_1 = LOW;}<br /> /* ----------------------------------------------------- WESTBOUND LOGIC ------------------------------------------------------------ */<br /> else if (east_block_1 == LOW && mid_block_1 == HIGH && flashers_on_1 == LOW && westbound_sequence_1 == HIGH && eastbound_sequence_1 == HIGH) { //initial Westbound approach flashers<br /> digitalWrite(flashers_on_pin, HIGH); //turn on flashers<br /> flashers_on_1 = HIGH; //show flashers on<br /> westbound_sequence_1 = LOW; //set start of westbound sequence<br /> Serial.print("Flashers on initial westbound"); }<br /> else if (east_block_1 == HIGH && mid_block_1 == LOW && flashers_on_1 == HIGH && westbound_sequence_1 == LOW) { //clearing crossing westbound flashers<br /> flashers_on_1 = LOW;}<br /> <br /> /* --------------------------------------------------------- BLOCK 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- */<br /> /* ------------------------------------------------------ CROSSING GATE ------------------------------------------------------------- */<br /> /* ----------------------------------------------------- EASTBOUND LOGIC ------------------------------------------------------------ */<br /> if (west_block_2 == LOW && mid_block_2 == HIGH && gates_down_2 == LOW && eastbound_sequence_2 == HIGH && westbound_sequence_2 == HIGH) { //initial Eastbound approach gates<br /> digitalWrite(gates_down_pin, HIGH); //drop gates<br /> gates_down_2 = HIGH; //show gates down<br /> eastbound_sequence_2 = LOW; //set start of eastbound sequence <br /> Serial.print("Drop gates initial eastbound"); }<br /> else if (west_block_2 == HIGH && mid_block_2 == LOW && gates_down_2 == HIGH && eastbound_sequence_2 == LOW && westbound_sequence_2 == HIGH) { //clearing crossing eastbound gates<br /> gates_down_2 = LOW;}<br /> /* --------------------------------------------------- WESTBOUND LOGIC ------------------------------------------------------------ */<br /> else if (mid_block_2 == LOW && west_block_2 == HIGH && gates_down_2 == LOW && eastbound_sequence_2 == HIGH) { //&& westbound_sequence_1 == HIGH && eastbound_sequence_1 == HIGH) { //initial Westbound approach gates<br /> digitalWrite(gates_down_pin, HIGH); //drop gates<br /> gates_down_2 = HIGH; //show gates down<br /> westbound_sequence_2 = LOW; //set start of westbound sequence <br /> Serial.print("Drop gates initial westbound"); }<br /> else if (west_block_2 == LOW && mid_block_2 == HIGH && gates_down_2 == HIGH && westbound_sequence_2 == LOW) { //clearing crossing westbound gates<br /> gates_down_2 = LOW;}<br /> /* ------------------------------------------------------__ FLASHER ------------------------------------------------------------- */ <br /> /* ----------------------------------------------------- EASTBOUND LOGIC ------------------------------------------------------------ */<br /> else if (mid_block_2 == LOW && east_block_2 == HIGH && flashers_on_2 == LOW && eastbound_sequence_2 == LOW && westbound_sequence_2 == HIGH) { //initial Eastbound approach flashers<br /> digitalWrite(flashers_on_pin, HIGH); //turn on flashers<br /> flashers_on_2 = HIGH; //show flashers on<br /> eastbound_sequence_1 = LOW; //set start of eastbound sequence<br /> Serial.print("Flashers on initial eastbound"); }<br /> else if (east_block_2 == LOW && mid_block_2 == HIGH && flashers_on_2 == HIGH && eastbound_sequence_2 == LOW) { //clearing crossing eastbound flashers<br /> flashers_on_2 = LOW;}<br /> /* ----------------------------------------------------- WESTBOUND LOGIC ------------------------------------------------------------ */<br /> else if (east_block_2 == LOW && mid_block_2 == HIGH && flashers_on_2 == LOW && westbound_sequence_2 == HIGH && eastbound_sequence_2 == HIGH) { //initial Westbound approach flashers<br /> digitalWrite(flashers_on_pin, HIGH); //turn on flashers<br /> flashers_on_2 = HIGH; //show flashers on<br /> westbound_sequence_2 = LOW; //set start of westbound sequence<br /> Serial.print("Flashers on initial westbound"); }<br /> else if (east_block_2 == HIGH && mid_block_2 == LOW && flashers_on_2 == HIGH && westbound_sequence_2 == LOW) { //clearing crossing westbound flashers<br /> flashers_on_2 = LOW;}<br /> <br /> /* --------------- Fail safe train blocking crossing --------------------------------------------------- */<br /> else if (east_block_1 == LOW && mid_block_1 == LOW) { //Flasher crossing is blocked, track 1<br /> digitalWrite(flashers_on_pin, HIGH); //turn on flashers<br /> flashers_on_1 = HIGH; //show flashers on<br /> eastbound_sequence_1 = LOW; //set start of eastbound sequence<br /> Serial.print("Flashers on-fail safe"); }<br /> else if (east_block_2 == LOW && mid_block_2 == LOW) { //Flasher crossing is blocked, track 2<br /> digitalWrite(flashers_on_pin, HIGH); //turn on flashers<br /> flashers_on_2 = HIGH; //show flashers on<br /> eastbound_sequence_2 = LOW; //set start of eastbound sequence<br /> Serial.print("Flashers on-fail safe"); }<br /> else if (west_block_1 == LOW && mid_block_1 == LOW) { //gate crossing is blocked, track 1 <br /> digitalWrite(gates_down_pin, HIGH); //drop gates<br /> gates_down_1 = HIGH; //show gates down<br /> eastbound_sequence_1 = LOW; //set start of eastbound sequence <br /> Serial.print("Drop gates-fail safe"); }<br /> else if (west_block_2 == LOW && mid_block_2 == LOW) { //gate crossing is blocked, track 2 <br /> digitalWrite(gates_down_pin, HIGH); //drop gates<br /> gates_down_2 = HIGH; //show gates down<br /> eastbound_sequence_2 = LOW; //set start of eastbound sequence <br /> Serial.print("Drop gates-fail safe"); }<br /> <br /> /* ------------------- Raise gate logic --------------------------------------------------------------- */<br /> /* Since there are two tracks we don't want to raise the gates for one track if the other is still down */<br /> if (gates_down_1 == LOW && gates_down_2 == LOW){ // both tracks are clear of the gate crossing <br /> digitalWrite(gates_down_pin, LOW); //raise gates<br /> Serial.println("Raise gates"); } <br /> <br /> /* ------------------- Turn off flasher logic ____________________________________________ */ <br /> /* Since there are two tracks we don't want to turn off the flashers for one track if the other is still on */<br /> if (flashers_on_1 == LOW && flashers_on_2 == LOW){ // both tracks are clear of the flasher crossing <br /> digitalWrite(flashers_on_pin, LOW); //turn off flashers<br /> Serial.println("Turn off flashers"); } <br /> <br /> <br /> /* ----------------- BLOCK SIGNAL LOGIC ------------------------------------------ */<br /> Serial.println("");<br /> if (east_block_1 == LOW || mid_block_1 == LOW || west_block_1 == LOW){ // If any of the 3 blocks for track 1 are occupied set block 1 signals to red<br /> digitalWrite(signal_block_1_pin, HIGH); //show block 1 occupied}<br /> Serial.println("Block 1 occupied");} <br /> else if (east_block_1 && HIGH && mid_block_1 == HIGH && west_block_1 == HIGH){ //If all 3 blocks for track 1 are clear set block 1 signals to green<br /> digitalWrite(signal_block_1_pin, LOW); //show block 1 clear<br /> Serial.println("Block 1 clear");} <br /> <br /> if (east_block_2 == LOW || mid_block_2 == LOW || west_block_2 == LOW){ // If any of the 3 blocks for track 2 are occupied set block 2 signals to red<br /> digitalWrite(signal_block_2_pin, HIGH);<br /> Serial.println("Block 2 occupied");} //show block 2 occupied<br /> else if (east_block_2 && HIGH && mid_block_2 == HIGH && west_block_2 == HIGH){ //If all 3 blocks for track 2 are clear set block 2 signals to green<br /> digitalWrite(signal_block_2_pin, LOW); //show block 2 clear<br /> Serial.println("Block 2 clear");} <br /> /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */<br /> // digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // turn the "heartbeat" LED on <br /> // delay(500); // wait for a half second<br /> digitalWrite(13, LOW); // turn the "heartbeat" LED off<br /> //delay(500); // wait for a half second<br /> Serial.println(""); //carriage return <br /> Serial.println(""); //carriage return <br /> Serial.println(""); //carriage return <br /> }<br /><br /></p> <div style="clear:both;"> </div> <p>[/quote]</p> <p>This is why Im not really interested in Arduino. I have no desire to write or debug 100s of lines of code, I will wait patiently for LCC to become fully fleshed out with a GUI with dropdown boxes and radio buttons to select the functions. The above lines of code are not my version of fun. If its yours, great! I on the other hand would prefer to purchase off the shelf components and not write code.</p>
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