
As usual, I have an off the wall question that most of you probably haven't run into. I have 2 DAC20 DCC Accessory decoders for 8 turnouts each (made by CML Electronics in the UK) and am at my wits end trying to get them to work with Kato turnouts. I have built the little circuits CML shows on their website that reverse polarity for the Kato solenoids. I have also been in contact with Laurence Baker of CML Electronics and he has been very helpful in getting the CVs set correctly, using the LocoBuffer USB etc. If you have used these DAC10s or 20s with Kato turnouts, I would love to hear from you. I supect something may be wrong with the little circuits I built up, but I know enough about electronics to be dangerous and am not sure how to check them.

Thanks in advance,
Tom Mann.