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Any new Patrioitic engines this time?

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Any new Patrioitic engines this time?
Posted by ndbprr on Tuesday, December 23, 2003 10:27 AM
Does anyone know if any of the railroads painted any special engines to honor the troops this time? I always though it was weird that a company like UP would paint an engine in camoflage. I can just hear some scumbag lawyer saying, "you painted a 200 ton locomotive so nobody could see it and then wondered why my client ran into it and suffered these greivous injuries?".
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, December 24, 2003 9:19 AM
lol, never though about that potential problem! I'm vaguely looking out for one of the Athearn RTR SD40-2s in UP "Desert camo" livery, as my layout has non-desert scenery I guess it'll be ok!
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 27, 2003 8:08 AM
There have been engine with flags on many railroads painted after 9/11. No engines have been painted for the war yet.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, December 29, 2003 4:16 PM
I'm wondering if it's a P.R. thing - a lot of people opposed the war (not me, I feel we did the right thing, Saddam was a murderer and dictator, but, I digress). RRs may have been worried that they would offend a lot of people by doing special repaints, and we've seen the damage these people can do if they get offended (anti-globalisation riots would be a good example, though again, I don't agree with the people who attend these!).

Apologies if I'm a little off-topic, I'm just suggesting a possible reason for the lack of special repaints for Gulf War 2!

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