My current layout doesn't really have any compression as it's a little hard to compress a railyard. The whole thing is a backwards "G". The top of the "G" is about 12'. The side is about 24' (two corner pieces and two old 80" hollow-core closet doors) and the bottom of the "G" is about 8'. I have in the detached garage of my house. (My one requirement when I went house hunting was somewhere to put the railroad and the garage fit the bill.)
The visible track on my layout represents 42 miles of CNW track between Sheboygan and Fondu Lac WI with staging going to Marshfield WI. With about 110' of CNW mainline and 20' of MILW mainline on 2 levels it's a little more than 2 scale miles.
Scott Sonntag
My railroad models the entire PRR Buffalo line about 300 miles. Mainline length is 1425' in a multi deck 32 by 80 ' room. Even with multiple levels there is a bunch of compression here and there.
My layout has about 130 metres of track on it, not sure how many TOs. The mainline is maybe 70 metres and represents the CPR Rocky Mountain railroading through British Columbia and Alberta.
"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."
About 150 ft representing about 60 miles. Will finish in a couple years with about 150 turnouts.
Dave H. Painted side goes up. My website :