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Modular trolley overhead

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Modular trolley overhead
Posted by Jetrock on Wednesday, November 12, 2003 1:07 AM
Okay, here's a question:

I am modeling an electric interurban & trolley layout. I want the layout to be modular so I can take it around to display, or move with it should I relocate.

Problem is, while there are plenty of effective ways to mate up track on modular layouts, how can I mate up trolley wire across modules? I kind of dread the idea of having to re-solder trolley wire to a shoe every time I remove a module...
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 12, 2003 5:01 AM
I've seen an idea for how to do this on an exhibiton layout. Basically, the builder had fitted small brass plates with holes in each side of the joint. a piece of trolley wire could then be unhooked and folded back into the module for transport - when the boards were joined, the wire was swung across and fitted into the brass plate on the next module.
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Posted by ndbprr on Wednesday, November 12, 2003 11:38 AM
You need to get a set of module plans from the East Penn Traction club. They most probably have a web page. They are based in the Philadelphia area. The previous answer is basically the only way to do it. One caution - when you bend the end of the catenary wires vertical to fit in the plate you can solder one so it doesn't get lost but make sure you don't twist the wire so the plate sits at an angle. It could foul you trolley pole. If it does happen you need to run a stay wire to a pole from the plate to hols it flat or rebend the wire. By the way the plate is just a little wider than the wire. It isn't huge.

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