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QUOTE: Originally posted by mjekot Good Morning from Denver, I am ready to make a purchase for my first airbrush. Any recommendations on the purchase of a new or used one. All appreciated! Mark
Joe from the Philly 'burbs Disclaimer: Any mention of any type of commercial or retail enterprise is presented for informational purposes only, and does not represent an endorsement. I have no significant financial interest in any of the named companies.
QUOTE: Originally posted by joeh19012 Mark-- Take time before you buy to check out the different styles. Decide on one, and then determine which brand will work best for you. Personally, I decided on a Paasche single action air brush, which sucks the paint from a cup. While it's true that you have to clean the cup, you'll find that you have to clean the used parts of any airbrush. I decided on the single action for 2 reasons. First, I did not feel like having to adjust my finger to press with one pressure and pull back with another when using a dual action air brush. Too much coordination for two different things. The single action has an external adjustment for the amount of paint. Air is controlled by how much you press the button. The second reason is that I didn't want to take apart the whole inside of the air bru***o clean the needle of a dual action mechanism. With the single action brush, only the air goes through the instrument itself--not the paint. The paint has to be cleaned only off the tip and cups (or bottles). Finescale Modeler is a good place to look, and I'm sure there's plenty of information online. Good luck. [8D]
QUOTE: Originally posted by mjekotGood Morning from Denver,I am ready to make a purchase for my first airbrush. Any recommendations on the purchase of a new or used one.
EDIT - Finding this post in this old thread makes me want to comment further. The air brushes from Harbor tools as mentoned above have very little quality control. I purchased one for each of my daughters. Two of them worked fine, two did not. Thinking they were using them wrong I tried for myself. I discovered the brushes splattered regardless of how used. I think the tip of the venturi is not smooth and sharp as it should be on 50% of the units. I can no longer recommend this brush regardless of price.