Best Regards, Big John
Kiva Valley Railway- Freelanced road in central Arizona. Visit the link to see my MR forum thread on The Building of the Whitton Branch on the Kiva Valley Railway
QUOTE: Originally posted by jacon12 To you that are using the Woodland Scenics risers and or inclines, how did you or how do you plan to 'hide' the incline on the sides... i.e. hydrocal soaked paper, foam cut to fit the height of the riser or what? Even after cork or other roadbed is laid on the incline there is space there that the ballast would fall through. Jarrell
QUOTE: Originally posted by grande man QUOTE: Originally posted by jacon12 To you that are using the Woodland Scenics risers and or inclines, how did you or how do you plan to 'hide' the incline on the sides... i.e. hydrocal soaked paper, foam cut to fit the height of the riser or what? Even after cork or other roadbed is laid on the incline there is space there that the ballast would fall through. Jarrell Jarrell, I'm not currently using the WS inclines but when I did, the sides were covered with plaster cloth and then sceniked. It worked well.