I'm considering building this track plan, the size suits the space I have in mind and it appears it could be interesting to operate.
Questions maybe someone in the forum could help me with:
1) at 30" x 90" i assume the curves will be rather sharp and less than 12"?? I'd be interested if someone could give me advice on "eye balling" curve radius and turnout numbers
2) I do want a layout with some switching operations so i envistion addiing a additional industry or two and maybe a 12" extension for a couple more short yard tracks,,,any comments on this track plan would be appreciated. thanks in advance - adam
Hi Tom,
This plan is one of my old favourites. However at the right side, the space for a river between the double track main at the bottom and Jefferson Hill at the top is very limited. On the original plan a 9,75 minumum radius was used; even with this very small radius only vertical riverbanks made this plan doable. The kind of cars and engines should be chosen appropriately; nothing longer then 50 ft. Not bad when building a branchline in the 50's. The appropriate turnouts are #4's.
The addition could hold an interchange track, which might double as a fiddle track. The tracks beyond the NY32 are like asking for this extension.
Hi Paul,
thank you for the response. I was hoping that someone one this forum had some experience with this plan.
As I mentioned, I knew the curves would be sharp but without a detailed plan I really could not tell how sharp. I think it will be worth the space to add 6" to the layout width just to add some room for 12" radius curves. I would like to incorporate some steam so assume I should avoid the sharp curves.
And you note about adding tracks beyond the NY32 is what I had in mind...maybe with the additional 6" width will present some options for additional industry and inter-change yard. I do like the 101 More Track Plans, just wish it provided more details on radius, turnouts, and elevation. It is going to require some guess work!!
If you have more ideas on how to tweak this track plan, I'd like to hear them. Just a note, i will likely build this using Peco code 80 and DCC. thanks - adam