I found that Woodland Scenics does complete 4x8 layouts for HO. Does anyone else do that kind of thing?
What do you mean by complete? WS sells a few layout packages that consist of a track pack, (Atlas) a scenery pack and a building and detail pack. You still have to build everything yourself. Another company called Terrain for Trains manufactures vacu-formed foam bases for the WS layouts so your don't have to mess with the paster cloth and mountains.There is also a guy that advertises in the back of Model Railroader who sells N and HO layouts that consist of a bench top with all track and turnouts installed and wired, but you have to add scenery and buildings. (Layouts by Eric??)There's a bunch of companies that will sell you a turn key layout package if you feel like opening your wallet THAT wide!
There are also several advertisers in MR that will custom build a complete layout for you - if you have very deeeeeeeeeeeeeep pockets!!!!!!!!
An extremely expensive option for building a layout, despite Woodland Scenics claim that you can save money by using their kit(s).
Consider: To build a 4x8 foot HO layout using the WS River Pass System, you need 3 kits and you still have to purchase the track separately.
River Pass Layout Kit: SubTerrain System includes risers, inclines, profile boards, foam sheets, plaster cloth, etc. $379.00
River Pass Building Kit: Includes 15 architecturally realistic building kits, over 225 detailed accessories, 20+ poster and signs: $210.00
River Pass Scenery Kit: Includes Realistic Water, Water Effects, Dead Fall, Flowering Foliage, etc.: $229.98
River Pass Track Pack: Atlas track pack gives you all the track components required: $71.50.
Grand Total: $890.48 (plus tax or shipping). And you wind up with a track plan provided by WS that probably cannot be modified.
If you have no skills at layout building, this may be for you, but I would prefer to design and build the layout that I want, not what WS thinks I want to build.
7793 I found that Woodland Scenics does complete 4x8 layouts for HO. Does anyone else do that kind of thing?
I have one of them sitting in my basement unbuilt. They're basically good for learning how to build a layout but you can't really operate on them For that you either have to modify or build something else. However, if you want to go the Woodland Scenics rout, look at their Mod-U-Rail system. You can build a layout using them quickly but they aren't perfect because you will still need to have a trackplan in mind before you get the first module.
cacole An extremely expensive option for building a layout, despite Woodland Scenics claim that you can save money by using their kit(s). Consider: To build a 4x8 foot HO layout using the WS River Pass System, you need 3 kits and you still have to purchase the track separately. River Pass Layout Kit: SubTerrain System includes risers, inclines, profile boards, foam sheets, plaster cloth, etc. $379.00 River Pass Building Kit: Includes 15 architecturally realistic building kits, over 225 detailed accessories, 20+ poster and signs: $210.00 River Pass Scenery Kit: Includes Realistic Water, Water Effects, Dead Fall, Flowering Foliage, etc.: $229.98 River Pass Track Pack: Atlas track pack gives you all the track components required: $71.50. Grand Total: $890.48 (plus tax or shipping). And you wind up with a track plan provided by WS that probably cannot be modified. If you have no skills at layout building, this may be for you, but I would prefer to design and build the layout that I want, not what WS thinks I want to build.
i wonder if the track pack is DCC ready? I mean if you went this route could you use DCC on it?
Yes, it would work fine for DCC. It's a very simple plan, nothing that would interfere with DCC, and there are no reverse loops or wyes. Atlas track works fine with DCC.
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Also, it SOUNDS very expensive because normally you don't go out and buy every building fory uor layout in one purchase, ever bit of scenic material in one purchase, etc. We usually buy things over time in smaller quantities - add a bit here, add a bit there, and over a relatively long period of time end up purchasing all of that stuff - just not all on the same day! With benchwork, track, and Tortoise machines, NOT counting the DCC equipment, and with NO scenery, the total in my 8x12 layout was near $1000. That's also NOT counting locomotives and rolling stock. But it was accrued over 3 years, not in one huge purchase. Break it down per day, or even per weekend, assuming no work during the week (yeah right), and it's not bad for the hours of hobby fun returned. Face it, a 'complete' layout is NOT inexpensive (unless by 'layout' you mean a small diorama - it wouldn;t cost that much to build a super detailed complete diorama simply because you don't need that much material for say a 2 square foot area). This has never been a 'cheap' hobby no matter how much you scrounge and scratchbuild - but you do not need to be independently wealthy, either.
Tortoise machines? man i have a lot to learn.
7793 - I think picking up some of videos on basic layout construction and scenery techniques would be very helpful to you. Model Railroader put out a good series in the late 80's produced by Allen Keller.
7793 -- really, for my money, I would design something for myself. When I first started this hobby 33 years ago, I tried to use a pre-designed track plan and had so much trouble that I gave it up for 15 years (ok, being in college and then the Navy had something to do with that, but never mind). Granted, the hobby has come a long way in that time, but I personally think that designing and building your own more or less from scratch (because we all get inspiration from each other) will ultimately be more fun, give you a greater sense of accomplishment, and leave you with a bigger bank account.
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