is there a company out there who makes bridges that are designed to your specifications, or do you have to buy what they have and modify it to what you need. any advice would be greatly appreaciated.
thatboy37 wrote: is there a company out there who makes bridges that are designed to your specifications, or do you have to buy what they have and modify it to what you need. any advice would be greatly appreaciated.
I have never heard of any, but that doesn't mean that there's not a company out there that does this.
I perfer to build and kitbash if nec. to fit the demands of the area. Central Valley girders and Micro Engineering steel viaduct with all the add ons and separate ssections make this easy to customize a bridge to suit your needs.
Modeling B&O- Chessie Bob K.
bogp40 wrote: thatboy37 wrote: is there a company out there who makes bridges that are designed to your specifications, or do you have to buy what they have and modify it to what you need. any advice would be greatly appreaciated. I have never heard of any, but that doesn't mean that there's not a company out there that does this.I perfer to build and kitbash if nec. to fit the demands of the area. Central Valley girders and Micro Engineering steel viaduct with all the add ons and separate ssections make this easy to customize a bridge to suit your needs.
well i'm looking for a curved 2 track bridge in n scale the has te radius' of 15 & 16 3/4 with a center to center track spacing of 1 3/4" and at least 19" long and 2" high. maybe this can help a little more with pointing me in the right direction.
They have a lot of neat stuff.
There is a seller on ebay in the HO trains area that has bridges and tressels for sale and if you read his site he asks for you to wait for him to build whatever you have chosen to bid on or buy.
Just go to ebay and into our hobby section and type in tressels you will probably come up with him.
I in the meantime will look for him as well and will post when I get some time.
Johnboy out....................
I just looked and he doesn't have a listing right now. Just keep looking, he usually is on there with a selection to choose from and I am sure he would make whatever you had in mind.
James:1 Verse:5
The "Wobbly" will wobble tonight.
from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North..
We have met the enemy, and he is us............ (Pogo)
I believe the seller on EBAY is trestles4u.