Here is Chimney Rock Quarry No. 3. Number 1 was a powered Keystone Locomotive Works cast metal Shay which didn't run worth beans with an NWSL Flea drive. Number 2 is a Bachmann 3-truck Shay which runs well but is way too big for my layout. Number 3 was going to be a second KLW kit powered by the latest version of NWSL's drive with its reduction gearbox powering both trucks with center shafts likes Heislers and Climaxes. But since I had already built one KLW kit, I decided to scratchbuild a boiler to go with the Keystone parts. Then I decided to make a fuel bunker/tender tank from brass...then a cab...then a frame. The only remaining Keystone parts are the truck sideframes, universals, smokebox front, valve gear and connecting rods. I turned the crankshaft on my wood lathe and fabricated the crankcase. Many of the details are from Precision Scale. The motor is a Faulhaber 1016 with a Digitrax DZ125 decoder.