GR survey

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GR survey
Posted by Marty Cozad on Friday, January 26, 2007 2:29 PM

I just filled out a survey.

One thought that I added that would be a good thread is.

 When I write an artical I know who to talk to and what "loops" to jump through.

I have talked to a number of folks who gave up after "feeling rejected" based on the responce they recieved.

Yes there is a pamplet of how tos, but I think it would be good to have one key person walk folks through the process.  I encourage folks to try and I tell them it depends on whats on file and how fresh the material is and if it has been run, etc.

I look for ideas that have not been in print for a long time.

That one thing I think would help get more articals and aid new writers to getting into it.

Last. I have never seen Dave Goodsons RR in the magizine. I'd like to see more about it. Someday hope to visit it.

I want to leran more about runny group sessions and train control in large groups.


No Dave don't call me , I want to see it in print. 

Is it REAL? or Just 1:29 scale?

Long live Outdoor Model Railroading.

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