Cranky U-Lok Eats its Gears...Again!

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Cranky U-Lok Eats its Gears...Again!
Posted by PVT Kanaka on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 2:01 AM

The first of my 2023 projects behind me (post to follow later), I thought I'd grumble about our LGB m2071D.  Alone among my 1980s refugees, this one came down throug the ages damage.  We finally had TrainLi rebuild it 2020, and we ejoyed three good years watching Gustav lumber around the railroad.  Saturday's explorations showed the idler gears worn smooth.  Of course, I do not have extras on  hand.


I figure the old boy just has something just enough out of alignment to put abnormal wear on the gears.  After 40 years, it happens to the best of us!  The plans is to figure out what part number this is, see if it is available, then restore Gustav to ceremonial service. 



P.S.  OneDrive has changed enough I cannot find the "embed" button for photos!  


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Posted by Swiss-Colorado-Lines on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 9:16 AM

Hi Eric,

 I'm surprised about Gustav, hopefuly you can get parts. Don't know what could be binding. Hope you can pinpoint it.

  Posting pictures is getting more difficult. I have been using Shuttterfly. They are shutting down their share sites on March 27th. I think I will just let it go.... too much trouble. Other share sites have shut down also. 


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Posted by PVT Kanaka on Sunday, February 26, 2023 4:45 PM

Thanks , Paul.  I  had to replace the tender cable on my 2018D, too, and discovered the springs on the pickup shoes are shot.  I will put all of this into my semi- / tri-annual parts order.  Most LGB parts have not changed, even if they have changed the chassis around them!


There are a couple of other websites I use for this and other hobbies that have moved to a drag-and-drop software for photos.  If I can figure out how to embed from OneDrive again, I'll be back at it.



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Posted by Swiss-Colorado-Lines on Monday, February 27, 2023 9:14 AM

Hi Eric, yes, repairs always creep up, especially if you run a lot. It's good to run frequently anyway, to find all the minor bugs that develop, and correct them as you go. Always tuning the system. Plus search for any weeds that try to come up.

 Knock on wood, no major repairs for me at the moment. But lots of minor tweaking....

 Just enjoying what I have.....


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