G Scale Ballast?

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Posted by Tinbender on Monday, May 20, 2019 6:24 PM

Have you tried a local quarry or gravel plant or even a landscape supply?  They have products with names like 1/4 minus or stone dust or birds eye gravel.  These places usually sell by the cubic yard or by the ton but most will let you shovel a few bucket fulls for a very minimal charge, especially if you explain what your using it for, seems to intrique them.


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Posted by Handy Andy on Monday, May 20, 2019 1:06 PM

Have you tried Stoneworks ballast ? They are located in the Branson, Mo. area and have a very nice slightly pink grey granite ballast similar to what BNSF uses in the upper midwest. Its very close to scale.

Their site is



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Posted by PVT Kanaka on Monday, May 13, 2019 12:52 PM

My tracks just "float" on the rocks that cover the raised bed.  As plants have slowly come in over the years, it has slowly given the impression hered and there of ballast. Diesel Dan pulls short work train in an area where I think this has been particularly effective:

Of note, we are still experimenting and tinkering with the trackplan, plantings, landscaping, etc.  Having a "permanent" ballasted roadbed is counter to where we are in the hobby and what we want to do with the Triple O at this point in our family's life.  It may not be suitable to your "strategic planning direction" or aesthetic.






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Posted by chocho willy on Monday, May 13, 2019 10:20 AM
I use chicken grit, you can find it at farm supply and hardware stores and is usually real crushed granite, also pigeon grit is about the same. Comes in different sizesgritgrit on bases


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G Scale Ballast?
Posted by Model Trains and Railfanning on Sunday, May 12, 2019 10:45 PM

For a while, Ive been searching online for grey g scale ballast and came up pretty empty. Was wondering what suggestions everyone else has. Thanks!

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