Rosy's caboose

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  • From: Ormond Beach, FL
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Rosy's caboose
Posted by chocho willy on Thursday, February 1, 2018 2:54 PM

   Been looking for a end car for my sugar cane train, and after talking to Eric in Hawaii about their sugar can trains and him sending me some pictures of their cabooses, I went on the look out for a small caboose looking car. Considered a Bachman "Little big hauler" caboose which was about the right size and not very expensive. Then as I get updates just about everyday from Pinterest regarding my interests, I found a picture of an actual very small caboose rotting in a field and I just thought it was about the cutest thing ever. So I decided to copy it best as possible. I started with a Bachmann full-size combine body missing parts and roof, cut out 3 windows body section + the ends of the car. Also removed a small section of the car window were it met the end section so that both ends of the car would match. Used part of the chassis and moved the truck bolster to the correct location. After gluing the chassis I found that the passenger car truck was too long and would not fit between the steps so I removed the wheel brake shoes on both ends. Made the roof out of black kydex plastic which has a pebble finish on one side and scribed lines like roll roofing from front to rear. Then cut a hole in it for the cupola to sit.. might put some seats in it for the workers to sit but still thinking about that. Even though the real caboose was lacking cat walks and ladders at the ends I decided to add those just to make sure it looked like a caboose and those parts came from a Bachmann caboose but cut down. Added the Sugar Shack Sugar Co logo and like Rosy still thinking about weathering it. Fun build and I think it hits the spot, Bill    Rosy's insperationright sideleft rearright front

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