MTH Challenger

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MTH Challenger
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, October 7, 2004 7:33 PM
Last weekend my wife and I went to St. Aubins Junction and bought a bunch of stuff for our railroad . Well I didn't have any steam engines and so we got one of the Aristcraft "Pacific " locomotives. They were nice enough to put "Sierra " sound in it while we waited. We got it home and its really a nice addition to the fleet .Anyway , yesterday a friend of mine came over with his new MTH challenger and I was blown away by thus thing ! What a great toy , with the "proto sound 2.0 this locomotive was awsome ! After I dropped $600.00 on my pacific a few days earlier w / sound I wish I would have waited a few days more cuz this challenger is beauitful . Called St. Aubins and they will credit me tward a challenger of my own . If you haven't seen and heard this thing you should check it out .

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