New designations in "G"

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New designations in "G"
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, December 30, 2001 3:42 PM
I am rubber scaler. I do N, On30 and Gn3. Now all of a sudden I've discovered I don't do Gn3 like I've always thought. Now 1:20.3 is either "F" or "Fn3". I've seen both! I'm not sure who is behind this conspiracy but the non-scales, 1:29, 1:24, 1:22.5 and 1:16 are being designated as "A", "H", "G" and "E" respectively and true scales 1:32 (always #1) is still #1 but 1:20.3 (Gn3) and 1:13.7 (Gn2 or 7/8) is now "M". Who knows what they will call 1:26, LGB's newest creation. I believe if the powers that be insist on this madness, they should also re-designate
smaller scales too. How about Nn3 being "P", HOn3 being "J" and Sn3 being "U"? Taking this one step further, let's call N/Nn3 dual guage "Q" and HO/HOn3 "K". Or, how about this, leave everything the way it was before and forget about "A", "H", "F", "E" and "M"!!! I vote for the later.

Dan Roush
Rocky Mountain "G" Scalers
Colorado Springs, CO

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