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"Hiding" purchases
"Hiding" purchases
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Member since
March 2011
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Posted by
on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 9:44 PM
NO way-on my way back home from East Coast Large Scale Train Show in April of this year at York PA; I called her on the cellphone about 30 minutes from home (getting dark) and said I'll take you out to dinner ; the Ford Taurus was filled to the brim in the truck and back seat, so after dinner I asked her (politely) to help unload ALL THE BOXES, she laughed and said I still owe her another DINNER! and always show something that appeals to her, say in a certain paint scheme, etc. [:D]
Member since
April 2003
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Posted by
on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 10:52 PM
I used to when my wife thought it was a passing fancy. Now she loves the layout, the minature plants. Funny thing, without knowing it, she picks out the most expensive stuff, so I am a lucky guy.
Reminds me of my beginning cigar smoking. She was complaining about the cost, so we went on a walk, and I smoked a cheap cigar. She said it smelled awful. Next time gave up the five dollar cigar, and smoked a better one. She said that it smelled better. Next walk, a Cuban.... she really liked it, so it's all Cubans for now!
So, time to order the mallet, a brace of heavyweights, a Pacific to pull them, and all the MRC (sorry) ore cars the mallet can pull.
Regards, Greg
Member since
January 2014
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Posted by
on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 9:19 PM
What a hilarious question. I used the leave it out until she notices approach. Now I just tell her "bought some more today". Her way of "allowing" it is to go spend the same as I did. "Look dear...got that Shay for 25 bucks!" [;)] [:D] Later eh...Brian.
Member since
April 2003
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Posted by
on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 11:36 PM
I used to hide diecast from my wife, but since I end up displaying it, she eventually found it.
Now I just bring it in. My venture into G-scale railroading has been slowed for lack of cash right now. I have a B&O Alco FA-1A & 1B units by REA/Aristocrat, that are still in the boxes since I bought them about 7 years ago. Never run.
I need track, power accessories, rolling stock, and space to get started. She'll really see a lot of stuff when I can afford it. I got 2 young boys who love this stuff, too. We drive her nuts! No wonder she runs off to bingo all the time! And don't even talk about the slot car track we want to put up. She often talks about leaving.....coming back?[^].....she might.
Member since
December 2003
From: Coldstream, BC Canada
969 posts
Posted by
on Saturday, August 20, 2005 4:49 PM
My SO knows her way around the workshop as well as I do, in addition she's been involved with sales of MRR items for soooooooooo long it would be a stretch pulling one off by saying: "But honey, I've had that for y-e-a-r-s!"
But I have friends, aquaintances and customers who regularly "brown bag" certain things. A lot easier to do in the smaller scales, eh?[;)][;)]
"Sure.... no problem! Let me put that LS scale tree in a garbage bag.... your SO won't notice! Would you like a green or an orange one?"
Cheers HJ
http://www.rhb-grischun.ca/ http://www.easternmountainmodels.com
Member since
April 2003
305,205 posts
Posted by
on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 9:17 PM
It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission......[;)]
Member since
August 2004
From: Whitmore Lake, Michigan
350 posts
Posted by
on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:48 AM
If you're wealthy enough that you can make a purchase that costs hundreds of dollars and you or the wife doesn't care, then good for you. I'm still in the "raising two teenage daughters" phase of my life so the majority of my income goes toward their needs. Perhaps when they are out of the house and my disposable income situation starts to climb again, I'll make those purchases without consideration of the bottom line.
Speaking of bottom lines, I love and respect my wife far too much to ever make such a purchase without letting her know. Her income is ours and my income is ours. After the bills are paid and I find something that I'd really like, I'll ask her opinion and we'll discuss the financial aspect. She does the same with her hobby.
Member since
April 2003
305,205 posts
Posted by
on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 8:01 PM
Mark, I'm not sure they ever "leave" I have 21 and 18 and still here with no plans of moving. Just the same it doesn't bother me to much, I love'em and would be very sad the day they leave.
Member since
February 2004
From: North, San Diego Co., CA
3,092 posts
Posted by
on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:40 PM
My wife and I go shopping together, except at Christmas time! When she gives me a list that includes, Store Name (or URL), Item name, (brand, style, etc.) and UPC. I do the same for her. Then around the 12th of DEC we go together to the train store and get something for the "house". That's the way it has been since 1972 (HO at the time, in Germany) and the good Lord willing I'll be able to go to the train store with her for at least another few years.[:)]
Tom Trigg
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