Hobby shops in Ft Worth area?

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Hobby shops in Ft Worth area?
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 16, 2005 10:22 PM
I am driving to Ft Worth on business next week and would like to know if there are any really nice hobby shops in the Ft Worth (or Dallas) area that has has a lot of stuff in stock. I am interested in AristoCraft, USA or LGB items.
I don't have any stores in my area that stock much so I like to shop in the larger stores when I am traveling.
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Posted by Rene Schweitzer on Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:08 AM
Hi okie,

I know word of mouth is always a good thing, but you can also try and do a search there for shops.


Rene Schweitzer

Classic Toy Trains/Garden Railways/Model Railroader

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, March 17, 2005 10:58 AM
Rene...tried that already and came up with zip. Also tried searches in other ways and found little that I can link to G scale. I cannot imagine that an area as big as DFW cannot have at least one meaningful shop that does more than hid a few G scale items in the back corner of their shop.
Paul D

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