garden railroading

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garden railroading
Posted by steamengine060 on Friday, July 12, 2002 8:09 PM
What do you put under building in an outdoor garden to keep them from blowing away or bieng draged off by animals ?
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 6:12 AM
Critter damage to various things in the garden is one of the reasons I don't have a garden railroad.
The other reason is that my wife thinks that one unfinished railroad [in the house], is enough.
Seriously, though, the wind issue is easier to solve than the critter problems.Assuming you have a closed bottom in your buildings,you could mount your buildings onto a piece of plexiglass or aluminum, larger than the building base. Drill corner holes in this, and push 3 or 4" galvanized nails down into the gravel or soil. This pretty well handles the wind problem.Once in a while you may have to lift the building and put bug killer under it.Bugs under the building attracts critters who wi***o eat them [ie:skunks]. Make sure there are no openings in the buildings where squirrels or birds can hide seeds or nuts...this attracts raccoons, who might wi***o break the building apart right there, or carry it away.Good luck...I have had a raccoon knock an 8 lb. concrete frog into a pond for no reason at all, except maybe mischief !....regards/Mike
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, July 22, 2002 9:31 PM

Bill Butts
Ihave used drop ceiling wire to tie 4 inch black conduit down. I am using half of the conduit under my track. Anyway, the drop wire can be driven into most soil with a hammer. A little bend on the end locks it in. I intend to afix a piece of pressure treated to the base of my buildings, and tie them down with the wire..

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