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Garden Railroading
Would you support a movement in G Scale to standardize?
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This is a tricky one really between the purists and the people that just want to run trains.A bit like OO and HO smaller scales.My locos are LGB but I have on loan at the moment an Aristocraft Doodlebug.If you stick them side by side the difference is fairly obvious but when they are running it looks ok.It is a case of personal choice.Are you making your railway for your own pleasure of running trains,or are you worried about someone elses opinion.If you model to a certain scale then you stick to it.If someone does'nt make the model you want in that scale,then you don't get it. <br />My opinion is that,If it looks ok from about 10 feet away,then it works.If it looks wrong to your own eye,then no amount of haggling in your own mind it going to make it better. <br />Troy
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