2024 Coffee pot, Coffee, doughnuts, Bacon, Egg,& Cheese Biscuits

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Posted by smokey1 on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 8:26 PM

Becky, the only way I can access this forum by using duckduckgo. I know a few others having same problem, I have Google and microsoft edge, niether one will take me here. Let me correct that statement, I can access it but can't log in. This site will not allow me. 

The only pay forum is OGR, and it is a dictatorship, heaven for bid you say anythin about 1 of there sponsors. it will get deleted and if you keep it up they will delete you with no refund of any type. I know of a couple who just paid and got deleted. It doesn't have to be a major negative comment. it of any type period. 

Last time I was a member was about 6 years ago, and saying negative about Lionel some would be allowed to sly by but anything about MTH was a major no-no

I'm sure that forum has it good side but I prefer where you can politely discuss a problem with a sponsor. ( I don't believe in completely attacking( which I'm doing now I guess, about OGR, but in my view and a lot other, they deserve it. Sorry for my rampage. There is another free forum ( actually 2) that I would love to have you join. 

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Posted by smokey1 on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 8:30 PM


I just got an email today saying that the forums are the heart of the trains community (or something to that effect ) and I should subscribe to the new  So it's looking like the free forums may become "pay for play".


Becky I believe this may be what they have been trying for a few years, it gives you access to all there forums and other things that they have. Once I get reorganize I might even consider it, but there really isn't a forum anymore that addresses Standard gauge or pre/post war trains
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Posted by pennytrains on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 10:25 PM

I quit OGR when Melvin cheesed me off by deleting my comments about how derogatory it is for preservation society people to refer to the rail fans who donate money to them as "foamers".  Thereby proving my point about "elitism".

Big Smile  Same me, different spelling!  Big Smile

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Posted by Erik_Mag on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 1:18 AM


I just got an email today saying that the forums are the heart of the trains community (or something to that effect ) and I should subscribe to the new  So it's looking like the free forums may become "pay for play".

If the forums are to become "pay for play", there would need to be a lot of work making the forum software run better to get any kind of take-up. Absolute #1 fix is getting new logins to work again. I've been a subscriber for a while, so apparently haven't received the email promoting subscriptions. I do find it useful in seeing the latest in the various magazines, and more importantly having the issue archives - have had a great deal of pleasure reading 1964-67 issues of MR that I missed out due to spotty availability.

Please note the emphasis on the word "if" at the beginning of my post as I have no idea of what Firecrown intends for the future of the forums. I do frequent read a couple of non-rail oriented forums that make pitches for paid membership. These two forums permit non-paying members to make posts as the value of the forums is what is posted by all.

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Posted by smokey1 on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 7:49 AM




I just got an email today saying that the forums are the heart of the trains community (or something to that effect ) and I should subscribe to the new  So it's looking like the free forums may become "pay for play".



If the forums are to become "pay for play", there would need to be a lot of work making the forum software run better to get any kind of take-up. Absolute #1 fix is getting new logins to work again. I've been a subscriber for a while, so apparently haven't received the email promoting subscriptions. I do find it useful in seeing the latest in the various magazines, and more importantly having the issue archives - have had a great deal of pleasure reading 1964-67 issues of MR that I missed out due to spotty availability.

Please note the emphasis on the word "if" at the beginning of my post as I have no idea of what Firecrown intends for the future of the forums. I do frequent read a couple of non-rail oriented forums that make pitches for paid membership. These two forums permit non-paying members to make posts as the value of the forums is what is posted by all. 

Also the ability to actually be able to log out when done posting/reading without having to clear ones cookies, ( which causes other problems )

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Posted by smokey1 on Thursday, December 12, 2024 10:20 AM

Same problem, only way I can log on or should say come to this forum is using browser. I even reregestered with a different E-Mail I have, it said your now regester, use your email and password to get on, so I tried and after the wheel twirling for a while it came back we incountered a problem. 

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Posted by Dave45681 on Friday, December 13, 2024 9:06 PM

Just a quick test so see if my login still works.

Fully realizing I am not as active as most here, but had noted for quite a while when visiting to see if anything new was posted that the level of activity seems to have dropped off a LOT lately.  I guess the problem people have had with logins could explain a lot of that.

Edit: looks like I did not get zapped by the problem others encountered.  Maybe it's the browser I use (Firefox, which I had not seen mentioned either way in the comments regarding browsers either used successfully or with problems experienced).


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Posted by pennytrains on Friday, December 13, 2024 10:22 PM

Believe it or not it's even quiet in the MR, Trains and Classic Trains forums. The HO and N crowds being quiet is oddly disturbing Tongue Tied

Big Smile  Same me, different spelling!  Big Smile

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Posted by smokey1 on Wednesday, December 18, 2024 3:30 PM

Okay, about a week ago I bought a set of 2343 SF F3's. Well on inspecting discovered there was nothing of the horn assembly left inside, good thing no sign of battery damage either. after taking apart ( thats fun with one funtioning hand ( I broke my wrist two days before Thanksgiving ( right wrist and I'm right handed) I semi cleaned the motor trucks, which had left over grease pieces and other things in there and about the max oil you could get in them. 

Well I got three Williams passenger cars, for now, for about what I would of paid for a postwar in good shape.

Railway Post Office Car with OB
Silver Mountain' Diner  with OB
Silver Plate' Diner with OB

$60.00 including shipping and tax.
The auction ended about 1 a.m. eastern time. and average a little less than $13 each.

Just tested the 2343's on 9' of track. Both motor trucks need more cleaning and new lubrication. But do run. ( I actually knew that but figure when I get where I have 2 hands to work with, but I bet I don't wait. ) 

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