Anyone use a photo lightbox for taking pictures of their trains?

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Anyone use a photo lightbox for taking pictures of their trains?
Posted by SlightlyMadAngus on Friday, October 20, 2023 3:47 PM

Hi - I need to take some good pictures of each item in my collection. I'm thinking of purchasing a lightbox, like this:

I have some experience with photography & I have a DSLR camera & lenses, but I have never used a lightbox. I'm also very unsure how big a lightbox I really need to take good pictures of a O-gauge postwar locos or rolling stock. Is 24"x24"x24" OK, too big or too small?

I know I could try to make one, but by the time I add lights, backgrounds, diffuser, box AND my time, it just doesn't seem worth it.

Anyone with experience using one of the Amazon lightboxes?

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Posted by mersenne6 on Friday, October 20, 2023 5:11 PM

  I guess I don't understand why you would need a lightbox.  All it takes to get good pictures of your trains is a nice piece of cloth (I prefer blue), some cardboard boxes to provide a basic platform, a couple of boxes for things like Atlas cars to provide a second tier, two inexpensive flood lights and some track.  

  I mount my camera on a tripod, focus on the middle distance, set the f-stop as high as I can get it (f/22 or better), turn on the lights (one to either side of the display), set the exposure, and take the pictures.

  If you are really fussy about the backdrop you can iron it and use some clothes pins or even masking tape to position the cloth so there are no folds/wrinkles, etc.

 Once you are finished it is an easy assembly to put away and reconstruct any time you's an example of how mine goes


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