671/2020 motor & 681 motor-Answered my own previous quesion

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671/2020 motor & 681 motor-Answered my own previous quesion
Posted by teledoc on Saturday, November 29, 2014 4:56 PM

In a previous post about these motors, I wondered if I could change the brushplate on a 681-100 motor with that of a 671m-1 motor, strictly for sake of appearance in the finished locomotive.  Yes, the brushplates can be swapped, and the appropriate brushes installed.  The one motor that I purchased (eBay) was missing the ball bearings, and was sloppy, but did run.  I have since replaced the bearings, and installed a 671 style brushplate, with immediate success, and it runs fantastic.  This motor is being used in a 2020 loco, that I had to repair and restore.  I could have left the motor as it was, but it didn't look right to me, because of the brushplate.

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