Lionel Pennsylvania Flyer Train Set Smoke Output

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Lionel Pennsylvania Flyer Train Set Smoke Output
Posted by Benjamin Minor on Friday, January 3, 2014 2:03 AM

Hello I am new to the forum need help with my Lionel Locomotive. I found this Lionel Pennsylvania Flyer train set made in 2006 with freight operations expansion pack brand new at my local salvation army bought the set for only $25 yeah you read that correctly. Anyway I am not happy with the smoke output. I heard about JT's Mega Steam smoke fluid was good and was said to increase smoke output. Well it did and didn't it smokes kinda good for the first 3-5 mins then smoke output is reduced. Stop the loco let it rest start up agian  somewhat good smoke output but 3-5 mins running smoke output decreases. And yes I am running an 8 car train with 4 of the cars with a little weight added to them, so the smoke unit is getting plenty of voltage to produce smoke. Also I noticed that there is no seal ( rubber or felt washer) between the locomotive body and smoke unit. Also when filled 4-6 drops of fluid it leaks out all over the underside of the loco body where the smoke stack is ( using a needle Point Precision Dispenser ) and all over the smoke unit to. I am including some pictures of the locomotive and smoke unit. It is a all in one light and smoke puffing unit. Made out of plastic no name but some numbers #236-54 Locomotive number is 1645 again train set made in 2006. Any upgrades possible to this smoke unit, also could I add one of the newer fan driven smoke units to the locomotve if modifaction to current smoke unit is not possible.











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