Help with lionel switch controllers and 027 switches

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Help with lionel switch controllers and 027 switches
Posted by burghman1969 on Sunday, February 28, 2010 6:38 PM

I would appreciate some help. I purchased some Lionel switch controllers separate from my O27 switches. The switches and controllers all work fine, except on the controllers, both the red and green lights are always lit. I tried changing the way the wires are connected to the posts to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Posted by ADCX Rob on Sunday, February 28, 2010 9:32 PM

If you are using the Lionel 022 style single controllers for O-27 switches, the bulbs will stay lit by design.  They will flash, though, as the control rails are traversed by a train providing a type of "track occupancy detector" feature.



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Posted by Taranwanderer on Sunday, February 28, 2010 10:58 PM
X2 on what Rob said. Your 027 switches (model 1122, I presume) do not have the wiring set-up for two bulb controllers. You need an 1122 switch controller that has one bulb and the red/green lenses that let light through depending on which way the hood inside is turned, corresponding to the direction of the switch position.
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Posted by wyomingscout on Monday, March 1, 2010 11:05 AM

X2 on what Rob said. Your 027 switches (model 1122, I presume) do not have the wiring set-up for two bulb controllers. You need an 1122 switch controller that has one bulb and the red/green lenses that let light through depending on which way the hood inside is turned, corresponding to the direction of the switch position.


That's true, but mine are wired for anti-derail switching & the lights don't change in the controller when a loco changes the turnout automatically.  Gives me something  more to think about when trying to keep two trains from running into each otherConfused


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Posted by burghman1969 on Thursday, March 4, 2010 9:13 PM

 Thank you all for your help. So the ones I need are the ones that have (for lack of a better description) the lenses that look like jello molds? I have seen these in both black and brown, does it matter which?

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Posted by ADCX Rob on Thursday, March 4, 2010 9:43 PM

 You need these:

1121c or 1122c controllers...

Or these from the later 5121 style:





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Posted by RockIsland52 on Friday, March 5, 2010 6:17 AM

Belated Sign - Welcome burghman!  And guys, thanks as always for the pictures and the explanations.  You may take this info for granted, but many do not.



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Posted by wyomingscout on Friday, March 5, 2010 9:23 AM


 Thank you all for your help. So the ones I need are the ones that have (for lack of a better description) the lenses that look like jello molds? I have seen these in both black and brown, does it matter which?



Yes, these will work.  I  have them and both of the ones ADCX Rob shows in his pix.  All work on my 027 layout.  the brown ones I have with the 'jello molds' are not lighted.  I think someone added the lenses for clarification of turnout setting.  This is a good idea.  I stuck red & green filing poster tabs on the ones that didn't have anything at all.  Also, I keep all of them wired the same way; on mine, 'up' is red, or turn & 'down' is green, or straightaway.


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Posted by servoguy on Friday, March 5, 2010 5:52 PM
If you want lights to work on the switch controllers, you are going to have to add some switches to the switch motor like the 022 switch has. I have never tried to do this, but someone else might have some ideas. Bruce Baker
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Posted by burghman1969 on Friday, March 5, 2010 6:07 PM

 Thank you all again for your help, it is greatly appreciated! I am so happy to be back in to O trains after an almost 10 year hiatus! It tool some convincing of the wife and some rearrangement of stuff to allow for an 11 by 7 L shape in our basement. Unfortunately had to cut a foot off the end of each 8 by 4, but it's still a decent amount of space.

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Posted by ADCX Rob on Sunday, January 21, 2024 10:43 AM

How did it work out?


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