CTT Forum members beware ....

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CTT Forum members beware ....
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, March 9, 2004 7:46 PM
I was a member of the O Gauge Magazine railroad forum and posted about 200 times.My interest is in Williams and toy like layouts and standard gauge. There will be a lot of new members joining this forum, many of whom have bashed Classic Toy Trains Magazine and "look down there noses at toy trains and their owners" and anything that is not 100 % scale, in their opinion !
If you dont own TMCC or DCS........... you an outcast!
If you like toy trains on Lionel track....your an outcast!
If you dont need electronics in your engines...your an outcast!
If you buy a $1000 + engine that doesn't work and you cant take it apart and fix it yourself....your an outcast!
If you like Lionel post war stuff...your an outcast!
If you own and operate standard gauge....your an outcast!

So beware if you post anything "they" don't agree with or you' an outcast!
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Posted by Big_Boy_4005 on Tuesday, March 9, 2004 7:58 PM
Don't worry Martin, we know how to deal with those issues.[B)][:D][banghead][(-D][(-D][:-^][swg]
I know that I'm up to the challenge. Thanks for the warning.
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Posted by nblum on Tuesday, March 9, 2004 8:13 PM
I've been reading this forum off and on for a few years. I don't ever recall anyone getting flamed. And it's not for lack of controversy. Plenty of people with strong opinions here (including me [:)][:)][:)]) , just seems to be more tolerant.

Perhaps it's the CTT "toy train" feel good approach as opposed to the somewhat more obsessive tendencies of some of the OGRR Forum crowd, or more likely, it's just that people have been more laid back here in general.

In any case, I doubt the CTT Forum moderators will tolerate any name calling or flaming. Not good for business. [;)]

So indulge your tastes in standard gauge, non-command, tinplate track. It's all part of our toy train heritage and of interest to most of us.
Neil (not Besougloff or Young) :)
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Posted by Big_Boy_4005 on Tuesday, March 9, 2004 8:58 PM
Flames can and have happened, but not usually here on the sleepy CTT forum. Over on the MR forum, I got into a big one, without even trying. The other guy was making some really outlandish comments after reading my topic, and the rest of the members pummeled him, while I sat back and watched. I haven't seen him back there since.

With the large influx expected, I suspect we will no longer be imune to those problems.

I always try to be the fireman, not the arsonist. If I smell smoke, I come running with my bucket and pray that it has WATER in it, and not GASOLINE!!![;)]
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Posted by MartyE on Tuesday, March 9, 2004 9:08 PM
What Martin says is true anywhere but I think it is the minority and not the majority. At least I like to think so. I look forward to all train discussion.

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, March 9, 2004 9:20 PM
Martin, I am a Hi Railer and I do like scale but I do not fit the commet you made. Hey I have pre war Lionel trains that I like to run. I hope this forum will work for all. JIM
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Posted by cbojanower on Tuesday, March 9, 2004 9:25 PM
Martin, I am sorry you feel that way, but maybe it time for both sides to have an open mind. Stirring up this kind of anomosity before the OGR group gets here certainly desn't help everyone to get along.

Its a big tent with this hobby.
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Posted by brianel027 on Tuesday, March 9, 2004 9:44 PM
4567Martin, your comments are very much a part of my disenchantment with the other forum and echo so closely the e-mail letters from others I have received. I always find it interesting that folks want to agree with me in private, but not in public.

The tone here has been much more tolerant. The 3-rail hobby is as diverse as the members here. I know Big_Boy4005 is very much into TMCC. He knows I'm very much into 027 stuff, hi-rail style. There's no problems. We've got some young modelers here which is great! Sask Tinplater is wise beyond his years as far as trains go.

THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG WAY TO RUN TRAINS!! Conventional control is every bit as fun as TMCC - so long if that's what you choose and how you feel!

Demanding Williams would go TMCC is as silly as wishing Atlas or Weaver would start an 027 line. The manufacturers will do as they see fit. And trains run everybit as good on tubular track as they do on other stuff. Really, it's all a matter of choice and preference - what you can afford, and the look you want your layout to have. In other words, we as modelers will also do as we see fit.

Having the charitable nature to agree to disagree is a good start to any discussion. And I'm sure when all the excitement simmers down a little, we'll get back to talking trains more directly as has been happening here for months (albeit at a slower posting pace).

Martin you are more than welcome here... you'll find you are not alone.

brianel, Agent 027

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Posted by Phil1361 on Tuesday, March 9, 2004 11:34 PM
I agree with Martin that there are some people on the OGR forum that were like that. There is the other side of the coin. I was a Hi-Railer and now I am a 2-Railer and I how many times have I heard, "rivet counter" which I'm not and I readily admit I don't know that much about the prototype, or when an interesting discussion is going someone jumps in and says,"There just toys". All I am trying to say is it swings both ways.

Yes, there are some guys without manners who are insensitive to how others might feel but don't stereotype the whole lot of us just because of a few.

Personally, my philosophy on that forum was that if I don't have anything positive to say-say nothing at all and I think I was pretty good at it.

I agree 100% with BrianelO27. There really is no right or wrong way. This happens to be exactly what I said in my first post on this forum.

Happy Railroading
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Posted by bowlerp on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 8:01 AM
I think tolerance is still listed as a virtue by most all cultures of the world, and the hobby should be no exception. Personally, I enjoy all aspects of the hobby, from tin litho to 3-rail scale high rail. My own interests matter not to anyone else, and I make no judgments about anyone else's interests. There is something to be learned from each niche of the hobby and no one should close their minds simply because it doesn't fit their own world view.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 11:01 AM
I just want to have fun with my trains. I let my kids and their friends run them whenever they want to. I have no bias against 2 rail, hi-rail or any other kind of rail.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 11:26 AM
Geez Martini, talk about a flame. Lean down and let me bru***hat chip off your shoulder. It sounds like over-generalization to me.
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Posted by lionel2341 on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 12:32 PM
"If you dont own TMCC or DCS........... you an outcast!
If you like toy trains on Lionel track....your an outcast!
If you dont need electronics in your engines...your an outcast!
If you buy a $1000 + engine that doesn't work and you cant take it apart and fix it yourself....your an outcast!
If you like Lionel post war stuff...your an outcast!
If you own and operate standard gauge....your an outcast!"

There is not a bit of truth in this statement. It's nice to see people come to another Forum and badmouth another one.[:(][:(]

Ernie, Humble member of ALL the forums.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 1:20 PM
Utterly ridiculous!

I do not own TMCC or DCS (tried the, hated them), I don't do hi-rail, I run Postwar and I collect pre-1975 Marx

No problems on OGR.

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Posted by cnw1995 on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 1:26 PM
I must say I never have experienced that sort of reaction on OGR's forum; and I'm a relative newbie with an 027 train set and a love for old Lionel and Marx.

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by FJ and G on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 1:31 PM
I haven't really seen much of a problem on any train forum anyplace; and if so, it is very rare.

I think it is kinda cool to get into some passionate arguments about trains as long as you are not bashing the person. I'm pretty laid back myself and don't get too passionate about anything except for my beer and women.
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Posted by FJ and G on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 1:32 PM
Ooops. Forgot to mention. I'm Dave Vergun
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 2:01 PM
All I can say is I think you're wrong, Martin. I have found no evidence of that attitude on the OGR forum. And it saddens me that someone would actually post something like that about other people.

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 3:35 PM
Well, I haven't seen any of that here and I hope that I never will! I'm glad to see all the new members coming here from the OGR forums. I'm sure many of them will become active members and make important contributions. I myself am a collector of prewar and postwar toy trains of all different manufacturers (both American and foreign) and run a layout that is built in the classic tinplate style. I don't have any problem at all with the hirail, scale, TMCC or DCS guys. I enjoy the diversity that there is in the toy train hobby.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 3:52 PM
To quote a famous OGR member, "After all, they're only toys!"
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 4:02 PM
Give it a rest, this is a GREAT FORUM WITH GREAT MEMBERS!!!
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 5:28 PM
Can't we all just get along in this hobby?? I'm tired of hearing all the complaints about the different manufacturers and people's preferences of different gauges. We're all in it just to have fun and help eachother in solving problems, and sharing ideas. Let's not criticize eachother for their preferences, whether G gauge to Z gauge. If you enjoy what you run, that's all that counts.
...keep the rails polished...[:D]
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 5:36 PM
THOR--Of course you didn't have problems with OGR---you were not an outcast! Neil has gotten a letter from me about these new arrivals. We don't need problems here. This is a family friendly site and a TOY TRAIN forum! If you only like prototypical scale modeling, please go elsewhere because the trains we run here have Clifford the Big Red Dog on them.
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Posted by MartyE on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 5:43 PM
I feel welcomed now.[%-)] I say tounge in cheek.

I model or try to anyways both. My layout contains the whimsical Lionel Gateman to trying Hi Rail looks as well. Why can't both be discussed here?

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Posted by Dr. John on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 5:45 PM
I am still a member of the OGR forum and have always been treated warmly and with respect even though I am a toy train "low-railer". Sure, there were occasional flames, but often they were self-inflicted.
I joined this forum to interact with more O gaugers and because I am undecided on whether or not I will pay the $18.00 OGR forum fee. But then, that's ANOTHER story!
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Posted by ben10ben on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 6:41 PM
I registered some time ago, but this is my first post to this forum.

I've been reading it regularly since the official OGR announcement on Monday, and my reaction is one of utter disgust. It seems that there have been far too many over-generalizations made about the OGR forum.

The comment that bothers me most is the reference to the "cliques" on the OGR forum. I have been on the OGR forum for a little over a year, reading it closely and carefully, and have never seen any such action that could fall into this category. Everyone that on the OGR forum is greeted warmly, barring the person who enters touting wrong and dangerous information(it has happened). Most of these people, at that, soon realize where they went wrong and are well accepted.

This forum claims to not be "cliquish", however I find it hard to believe with one of the above posts

"Neil has gotten a letter from me about these new arrivals"

In alerting a forum administrator about new arrivals to the forum in such a way, you are, in effect, creating your own little "clique" by turning away people based purely on the fact that they came from the OGR forum.

Something else that really bothers me in this particular topic is the list given at the beginning of this topic about what is grounds for rejection from the forum

"If you dont own TMCC or DCS........... you an outcast!"

Not so. There are plenty of conventional operators that are well received on the OGR forum. I can put you in touch with some if you would like.

"If you like toy trains on Lionel track....your an outcast!"

I've used Lionel track since joining OGR, and have always openly proclaimed it. No one has ever said anything negative to me on that subject. There are plenty of other people who use tubular track on OGR. Again, I'd be glad to put you in touch with some.

"If you dont need electronics in your engines...your an outcast!"

There is plently of advice exchanged every day about engines lacking electronics in any form. Take a look and see.

"If you buy a $1000 + engine that doesn't work and you cant take it apart and fix it yourself....your an outcast!"

Taking apart an $1000 engine is almost always suggested with the condition that "you are comforatable doing so". If you aren't, the advice is always to go to the local shop, or to call the company. If you don't use command control, and can't take an engine apart to fix it, there's not a whole lot that can be done to it by you.

"If you like Lionel post war stuff...your an outcast!"

Not so. Again, I have openly proclaimed my love of postwar since first joining the forum, and, again, have been very well received. Once again, I would be glad to put you in touch with many OGR postwar operators.

If you own and operate standard gauge....your an outcast!

There are plenty of standard gauge operators on OGR. Again, I'd be glad to put you in touch.

Here's the response of an OGR forum member to the comments above

"Utterly ridiculous!

I do not own TMCC or DCS (tried the, hated them), I don't do hi-rail, I run Postwar and I collect pre-1975 Marx

No problems on OGR."

Then, another member of this forum responded to this comment

"THOR--Of course you didn't have problems with OGR---you were not an outcast! "

These three posts contradict themselves. The initial poster generalizes that anyone meeting one of those conditions is automatically an outcast. Thor hit 4 of the conditions listed above and he's done fine. Then another tells him that of course he's done fine, he's not an outcast. Well, Thor should be according to what the initial post said.
Ben TCA 09-63474
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 7:07 PM
Just the title of this post alone is enough to make you sick. Beware of what? Being labled one of "them" Or perhaps of being included in a letter to Neil?
A little prejudgemental aren't we Mr. Amtrack Jack? What did your letter say? Did you get all the names right? We don't what any problems here! Not in this nice little neat neighborhood. We don't want any of "them" here. People with an attitude like yours Mr. Jack. Disgust Me
AND THATS A FACT !!!!!!!!!!
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 7:16 PM
I gotta agree with Ben and LV fan, what are you afraid of Jack? Seems to me like YOU don't want us to intrude on your own little clique here! I'm starting to rethink my participation on this forum apparently not all are welcomed here.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 7:32 PM
BTW I just ripped up the check I was going to send for a subscription until I can figure out what the hell is going on here[:(!][:(!][:(!]
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 7:48 PM
[:(!] I see the fights starting already! I am out of here!

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