Can we Edit Posts

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Posted by Algonquin on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:03 PM
Hi Bill,

To add a new topic, click the button at the top of the discussion list (list of topics).

Per Greenberg's Guide to Lionel Trains 1945-1969, Volume III - Sets, The 221 came in a four sets in 1946.

Set#1400 came with a 221 steam loco with headlight: 221T New York Central non-whistle tinplate tender; two 2430 blue Pullmans; 2341 blue observation.

Set#1400W was the same as set 1400 but with a whistle tender.

Set#1403 came with a 221 steam loco with headlight; 221T New York Central non-whistle tinplate tender; 2411 flat car with pipes; 2465 Sunoco two dome tank car; 2472 non-illuminated Pennsylvania N5 caboose.

Set#1403W was the same as set 1403 but with a whistle tender.

Tim P.

A penny saved is a penny earned. But every once in a while it is good to treat yourself to a gum ball.

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 9:50 PM
How do post a question? I am trying to find a coal tender and cars for a lionel engine #221 made about 1946. It was set that I had as a child and I am trying to restore the set.

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, January 12, 2001 10:26 AM
You won't be able to edit your posts directly, but if you make a mistake that's really embarrassing or gives incorrect info, e-mail one of the editors directly (click on "contact us" in the bar at the bottom of the page)and we can fix it for you. But I think everyone will be forgiving about simple typos, and you can just add a second post correcting something you might have goofed up the first time. This is an informal exchange of information. Precise typing and editing skills are not required to be a part of this forum.
Tom Chmielewski
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Can we Edit Posts
Posted by Algonquin on Friday, January 12, 2001 8:28 AM
Is it possible to edit (or delete) our own posts. To correct any errors we identify after it is posted.

Tim P.

A penny saved is a penny earned. But every once in a while it is good to treat yourself to a gum ball.

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