ARMATURE #257m-1

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Posted by lionelsoni on Monday, December 29, 2003 2:01 PM
How do you know that you need AWG-25? Did you measure one of the existing wires? If so, did you strip it first? Odd gauges are possible, but most wire is even. Radio Shack has AWG-26.

Bob Nelson

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Posted by Big_Boy_4005 on Monday, December 29, 2003 1:12 PM
I consider myself a do-it -yourselfer, but that's one job I wouldn't touch. There are companies that specialize in armature rewinding. They would have the wire and the tools, and probably even guarentee their work. In order to get it to work correctly, it may be necessary to rewind all 3 poles. I found an ad in the back of my TCA directory, and he just happens to be in my local area. Email: Check the ads in CTT, or you could check the yellow pages.
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ARMATURE #257m-1
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, December 29, 2003 10:26 AM
Hello, I need some help with winding some armatures . The first armature that needs to be wound is a #257m-1. One of the polls has no windings on it. I would like to know if any one out there knows how many raps each poll gets and who sells the 25 gauge wire. This will be my first attempt at this task. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for looking Steve

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