1668 collectors set

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1668 collectors set
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, December 7, 2003 5:17 PM
Any one have any information about the lionel 1668 set from 38-41? it came with the 1668 engine, whistle tender, 2670 box car, 2680 tanker, and a cabosee. i'd like to know what was included in the set back then, and what is its worth now.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, December 22, 2003 11:08 PM
Im not sure about all the bells and whistles but...
The set would have had the engine , tender, three cars, and an oval of track with a transformer. Instrutions and a tube of grease. If your loco and cars are clean and fairly scratch free, the set is worth about 270. If its in average condition about 150. price guides would go higher, but im going on ebay prices. If the engine is gray and only has a number plate on one side you have a rare piece which should bring a 100 dollar premium to the right collector. Good luck.

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