Shame at the toy store

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  • From: Orem Ut
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Shame at the toy store
Posted by douginut on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 7:08 PM
Last night I went to a local Toy's R Us for a stuffed animal for my granddaughter (and yes, she has her own train). Just for the sake of interest I looked for a Train to buy. There was a cheap but servicable LifeLike train set on display and an orange and blue LIONEL box. Expecting to find something overpriced but delightful I slid the box out of it's edge on place on the shelf and to my horror there was a plastic tracked "G Scale" train. it was an awful, cheap thing that MIGHT survive assembly and not even having batteries included. Whichever folks are thinking that this will fool folks more than once must be asleep at the switch. This sad sorry excuse for a train set is just the way to make certain that the hobby goes away forever. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!
Doug Polhamius, in Orem Ut
Doug, in UtaH
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, December 13, 2002 2:52 PM
Hey Doug, I agree. No respectable Model/Toy Train Manufacturer ought to selling something they would not be proud of!
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, December 18, 2002 9:47 AM
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, December 18, 2002 10:03 AM
Like I noted in "do you remember when" some things are changing......and probibly NOT for the better!! When you have almost a century of loyal followers like Lionel does, its kinda hard to swallow the cheap stuff you find in major stores.
Now I'm not trying to dogg lionel but let's face it; a "toy" train of today is not the same one that I had less then 20 years ago!! And mine (a Lionel steamer)If maintained properly will probibly still run when I give it to my grandkids in 50 years!! I'd like to see that happen with any toy today!!
Icemanmike - Milwaukee

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