watch out for rip offs

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watch out for rip offs
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, July 10, 2002 7:23 PM
if you like to collect model railroad stuff
compare prices. when i was looking for a train set
at are local hobbie shop they wanted about $200.00
for the one i wanted but at onother hobby shop they wanted about $50.00 there.that proves that you should look at the price then compare it with the same thing or simalar.and look at quality to.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 25, 2002 6:39 AM
You are correct, Sir! Model trains, just like every other consumer item must be "shopped out" inorder to get a good price. Price is set by the demands of overhead and the need to provide the owner with a "reasonable" profit. If you are buying from a mall based store you not only pay for the item but also for all that "free parking" and high rent that the owner must clear befor he realizes any profit. Ultimatly, the consumer sets the price, make it clear that you will not pay "what the traffic will bear" . Do your homework and shop around. And by the way, stop paying such ridiculous prices for "old" equipment. Is it rare? Really? How rare? Give me a break, 300 tables with the same item! Can't be that rare! Have fun with the hunt but remember, the price you pay is strickly voluntary!

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