Who all loves to run Prewar Lionel? I do!

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Who all loves to run Prewar Lionel? I do!
Posted by Vintagesteamer on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 3:18 PM

I am one of those guys that loves running prewar Lionel trains.  From the ozone and warm oil to the history and memories these old trains evoke.  No smoke then, which is fine with me as it tends to give my asthma fits in my small layout room.   Today, I am running my newly aquired Lionel 001/001t scale Hudson with a short mixed train as I dont have many cars yet.  I am slowly buying them as I can.  Really need some vintage buildings, but stuff for OO is hard to come by or expensive.  Mike

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Posted by pennytrains on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 6:38 PM

Guilty for at least 30 years!  Big SmileThumbs Up

Big Smile  Same me, different spelling!  Big Smile

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Posted by Vintagesteamer on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 7:05 PM

Bout the same here, the owner of the Lionel shop that I did repair work for got me into late prewar trains in my early 20's.  Just was not able to get or afford much till more recent times.  I have had OO off and on thru the years, along with a 225e and 226e sets.  Now the home layout is OO, so that is the focus.  Although I am planning to get a 1-700e reissue Hudson from 1990 to run at a local club.  

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Posted by Flintlock76 on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 8:44 PM

I bought my first pre-war set, a 259e with three cars at our last Charlottesville show.  I wasn't planning on it but the thing was so cute and in such good condition it just said "Take me home with you!"  Now I've got to find a few more cars to go with it, no biggie, they're out there and I'm patient.  I'll see what the next show has to offer.

I'd really like to get my hands on a 226e!  I got to handle one once, what a beast!  But I think that's as far as my pre-war ambitions go. For now.  Wink

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Posted by Vintagesteamer on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 9:00 PM

Here is some more to wet your prewar appetite.  The 001 Hudson pulling a Scale Craft passenger coach and Lionel Sunoco tank car(only cars I have at the moment).   Track is still avaiable from Gargraves in both 2 and 3 rail.  The OO community really NEEDS someone to make Ross style 3 rail switches to match the track.  I see that as a major hold back to many wanting to build a layout.  The trains are fairly easy to find online, enough vintage track on the other hand, not so much and very expensive.    Enjoy!   Mike

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Posted by Michael6268 on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 9:47 PM

Just bought my first prewar items.

252, 262e and a 259e.

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Posted by Leverettrailfan on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 9:56 PM

When I first was getting into toy trains around 2013-2014, I had limited knowledge and interest in prewar Lionel- the interest grew a little when my childhood best friend took an interest in prewar stuff, and purchased a few items at the Springfield MA hobby show. I started considering prewar stuff too, but at the time hadn't fully learned the ropes of train repair and turned down many possibilities on account that they didn't run, or couldn't be verified to run.

These days it's a different story, and I have a small collection of prewar goodies in O and Standard Gauge, by Ives, Gilbert, and Lionel.
The latest additions to the family, of course, were the subject matter of the thread "An Unexpected Gift". I have to say, getting the 134 set rolling has been extremely satisfying, and I can't get enough of watching it run... what a thrill!
Pre and Postwar both have their unique charms, and I can't go playing favorites. I can say without a doubt, that the prewar trains I have run so far are an absolute blast, and I'm eager to get my 253 running next.


"Unless bought from a known and trusted dealer who can vouch otherwise, assume every train for sale requires servicing before use"

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Posted by Vintagesteamer on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 10:12 PM

I think prewar just have thier own special charm.  I just wish they could talk and tell us the adventures they have been on. To see something 80+ years old still run, still create those great prewar smells, sounds and sights is nothing but amazing. When I run prewar at shows, it really tends to be a great "ice breaker" and get show patrons chatting as many have never seen or didnt know such an old toy train could still run that well.  Several I have gotten to speak to said they were going to shop for their first prewar train, a few came back with their new treasure for me to service it so they could go home to play.  Most every show in my area has a nice selection of common prewar for sale, along with lots of post war and newer.  Another draw for me was the lack of smoke.  While I love the effect, my asthma does not.  So many of the trains that I got as a teenager were late prewar/early post war without the feature.  Even once I got my first LGB starter set, the smoke was never turned on.  Mike

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Posted by Flintlock76 on Thursday, October 13, 2022 8:30 AM

The OO community really NEEDS someone to make Ross style 3 rail switches to match the track.

The problem, as I'm sure you realize, is demand, or the lack of same.  IF enough OO fans inquire about switch production then maybe someone will start producing them.  But if the demand isn't there they won't take the risk. 

Honestly I'm surprised someone's making OO two and three rail track to begin with.  

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Posted by Vintagesteamer on Thursday, October 13, 2022 9:43 AM

I think Gargraves would sell much more of that track to at least the 3 rail side if there was a basc right and left hand turnout and maybe a 90' diamond.  I dont expect to see a full blown production of them.  But making them to order, for a price aka a bespoke order, might be an option if someone was able to make them.  Even in kit form would work. Like with a 3d printed base that accepts the Gargraves rails.  From being involved in the OO side, there are many more folks out there that would like to run their set or would get a set, IF there was a brand new track option that included switches.   The 2 rail side crowd uses On3 flex track and switches as its the same track gauge.  With a bit of work, one can make it look less "narrow gauge".  

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