Need some info please

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Need some info please
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, March 22, 2002 3:10 PM
I have recently got into the closet and pulled out my old train sets that have been stored away for a while. I have gotten the itch in a big way to start getting into this hobby. I have 4 Tyco sets. One that I used off and on as a kid and has some where to it. The others I received through work in the late 80's and have been used very little. One of them has not ever been used. All 4 sets were promotional sets from food manufacturers. Anyway, what I was wondering is how compatible are these train sets with the newer products out there today. Mostly concerned with the size of cars and couplers. Will they match up with what I have? Can anyone recomend any good starter books for this hobby?

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 27, 2002 10:49 AM
You can get a lot of information at It covers all scales, - non-commercial site, so you will get unbiased info.

If your sets are Tyco HO, be aware that the old brass track is not used much any more. Personally, I recommend using Atlas HO, since it is nickel silver (better conductivity, better strength, better stuff) and it sells for chump change.

The HO relesed since the late 90s used more realistic-looking couplers. Your train probably have the old horn/hook. If you decide to add cars, goi to a reputablke dealer and ask him about the coupler compatibility issue. He will offer you the best means of handling it.

Happy Railroading


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