Wiring a #497 Coaling Station to Fastrack

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Wiring a #497 Coaling Station to Fastrack
Posted by Mchavez215 on Friday, February 14, 2014 9:59 AM
I would like to install a recently-purchased #497 Lionel Coaling Station (fairly new - not post-war). I purchased two Fastrack-to-O-scale (tin plate) transition pieces to attach to the accessory track which came with the coaling station. When I tested the station, I used a regular Lionel lock-on to attach to tubular track on one side of the accessory track. What I need guidance on is how to get power to the station using Fastrack. Thanks
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Posted by BigAl 956 on Friday, February 14, 2014 4:43 PM

I have one of these coaling stations and I thought it was powered by an extra power wire coming out of the controller. But I just looked and I cannot confirm that.

Here is how I powered mine. The third terminal  from the left on the control track is power from the center rail. Instead of connecting that wire to the track I ran it to my accessory transformer. I also connected the ground wire that would have gone to the left terminal on the control track to an insulated track section next to the tower. That way I do not accidentally hit the load button when a train is not parked under the tower.

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Posted by Plains Guy on Wednesday, March 6, 2024 10:29 PM

I would also like to power my post-war 497 coaling station with FasTrack.  My station has two 4-wire leads:  1) to the controller which brings the red bin up/down & which opens the chute near the top of the station to dump into a coal car; 2) to connect to the older Lionel accessory track (which has 4 screw pegs).  The older accessory track has 5 rails, 3 which connect to other track; and a large red circle at the center (I imagine an electromagnet to dump an operating coal car).  How do I replace the older accessory track and use a FasTrack accessory track instead?  And how to I connect the other 4 other wires from the station - which would connect to the older accessory track - to Fastrack &/or the transformer to power the #497?  A drawing would be appreciated!  Thanks!

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