RailKing Scale Cantilevered Signal Bridge, yellew

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RailKing Scale Cantilevered Signal Bridge, yellew
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, February 13, 2002 4:49 PM
Hello! I am setting up The Railking Signal Bridge,activating it with the Rk ITAD,both units are operated by the one ITAD. The units work fine,but how can I shorten the time that the yellow lamp on the bridge burns, the 10 second interval is much to long, 2-3 seconds would do nicely. ( it is not a huge layout, I am running the train in a slow speed.)Thanks for any help,Slick.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, February 27, 2002 4:09 PM

This question is probably better answered by MTH directly since it involves the internal workings of their signal bridge. The website is Sorry I don't have a more specific answer for your.

Neil Besougloff
editor, Classic Toy Trains magazine

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