Lionel Super O cons

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Lionel Super O cons
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, January 23, 2002 3:37 PM
I currently have a simple layout in O gauge and would like to switch to Lionel Super O. Aside from the drawback of cost and center rail wear on the rollers Is there other drawbacks to making the transition I have left out. I'd like to use all the same postwar accessories and rolling stock that I've been using in O Gauge. Would anyone with layout experience care to share their thoughts?
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Posted by Algonquin on Thursday, January 24, 2002 9:32 PM
Hi David,

I don't have a Super "O" layout, just tubular. But the November 1997 issue of Classic Toy Trains had several articles on Super "O" Track, including photos of the Lionel Super "O" layout in their New York showroom.

Relative to the wear on the rollers, I believe the wear is primarily due to arcing when the roller momentarilly lifts off the rail. I don't believe you will see any significant wear simply from the thinner center rail of super "O". As a kid, I wore a deep groove into the rollers on my 2343 Santa Fe F-3s which saw nothing but tubular track.

I would think the toughest part about putting together a Super "O" layout would be locating the various track accessories Lionel manufactured to support older operating cars and accessories. I don't believe any are rare, but they can be a challange to locate right when you want it. But then thats half the fun of this hobby. Good Luck.


Tim Pignatari

A penny saved is a penny earned. But every once in a while it is good to treat yourself to a gum ball.

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, January 25, 2002 9:28 AM
Thanks for the info Tim. Upon further research I found in the March 2001 issue of CT&T in which 5 layouts were shown. One was on a guy that used only Super O on his layout. He addressed this very question and said he didn't experience any unusual wear on the rollers. He did add that the tight switch curves on Super O can be mitigated by adding a straight track between curve pieces. It looks like a moderate challenge to find good pieces but thats half the fun.

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