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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, January 17, 2002 11:14 PM
Has anyone used the new MTH scaletrax ITAD? I am trying to connect them to an MTH operating crossing gate, and operating crossing flasher with sound and not getting anywhere. I can connect the operating crossing flasher with sound and trigger them with the ITAD, and I can connect the crossing gate and trigger it with the ITAD, but when I connect both, I get bleed-through voltage? on the speaker and the gate goes down without the ITAD operational. I also noticed that conneting these per the MTH instructions does not make sense (nor seem to work) - am I wiring them wrong? Note also that I am only using 1 gate with 1 flasher with sound (not the pairs that they come in), as I was going to use the other gate with the other flasher (and no sound) in another location on my track (with more ITADs). I was also going to try and activate from both directions, but that doesn't seem to work either. Finally, the ITADs (both) will only operate if I place my finger over the sensor - even with the sensitivity adjusted full H or L - a passing train will not activate. Help!
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 22, 2002 9:02 AM

We haven't tried the ScaleTrax detector here at CTT so we can't be of direct help, but did you email MTH directly about your dilemma?

Neil Besougloff
editor, Classic Toy Trains
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, January 25, 2002 10:17 AM
Thanks. I sent some additional info to MTH last weekend and have heard no response, but it has only been 5 days. I figured out some of the issues - the ambient room light was causing one set of problems - turning off the lights indicated each ITADS was functioning properly. Placing a flat black background across from the ITAD eliminated the reflection and allowed proper operation with the room lights on. I have a double track mainline with trains that can operate from either direction on either track. My goal was to have one ITAD on each side of a crossing gate, such that trains on either track, coming from either direction, would activate the crossing gate. Sounded simple. Testing after the lighting issue was resolved indicated that with one ITAD connected, the ITAD operated properly and activated the gate and deactivated the gate after the train had left the area - pretty neat. Disconnecting that ITAD and connecting the second ITAD on the other side of the gate resulted in the same proper operation - trains from either direction on either track would activate the ITAD and the gate. The problem came when connecting both ITADs together. When that happens, a train passing in front of the first ITAD activates the lights of the gate, but the gate remains up. The gate remains up until the train hits the second ITAD, and then it drops. It stays dropped until the back of the train clears the first ITAD, and then the gate raises but the lights remain flashing until the train clears the second ITAD. Then the lights stop. I think that either ITAD should operate the gate and the lights together, just like when one ITAD is connected, but somehow they become linked and it requires both to fully activate the gate/light.

If I ignore the dual ITADS and just use one, I'd also like to add sound, as the MTH operating crossing gate does not have sound, but they sell a flasher with sound. Sounds easy - use this and the gate together - the ITAD should operate both. Works great with the gate connected and the flasher connected. As soon as the speaker is connected, there is some backvoltage that activates the crossing gate to lower without any signal from the ITAD. Any help would be greatly appreciated - also sounds like an opportunity for a great article on operating crossing gate options, ITADs, etc.


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