Repairing Train Sets

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Repairing Train Sets
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, October 10, 2003 7:52 AM
I have just inherited a train set. Unfortunetly it is not in the best of shape. One of the easier problem is the wheel base does not roll as easily as it should and needs to be lubricated. My question is wil any oil (ie machine oil ) do, or is their a special type of oil / lubricant required for train sets?

I would appreciate any help / advise you could give me.
Thank You
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, October 10, 2003 5:10 PM
First of all, I would try posting this is either the Classic Toy Trains forum (toy trains such as Lionel, Marx or American Flyer) or the Model Railroader forum (scale model trains such as HO or N gauge), depending on what type of train set it is you have. If you could give some more information about your train that would be more helpful. How wide is the track between the rails (and does the track have two or three rails)? How old is this train? If you can find a brand name that would be good. Is the problem on the wheels of the engine or one of the cars?


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