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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, May 13, 2005 11:21 AM
Thank you Peter for the much needed remedial course in classification data. Now I will be able to follow references with greater understanding. My round trip from Dublin (Heuston Sta.) to Belfast was probably behind a 071 or 201 while the other "run-outs" were likely EMD JL-8 and EMD 8-645-E . Most of the diesels out of Connolly Sta. were "dogbones" My hotel (North Star) room overlooked the tracks so I didn't miss much action. Dun Laoghaire gave me some pronunciation problems but that is to be expected. Good heavens, look what I did to the spelling! I'll do a print-out of this data in order to appear less a fool when a discussion of U.K., etc. railroading comes around. Let's see...who is behind the bar today? Oh, Lucy could you bring whatever Peter is having and a Crown and soda for me? Thanks dear, you're a credit to Tom's establishment. I'm still amidst custodial tasks, just took a break for a "quicky." My what a stalwart crew this is. Imagine if all "Our" place contributors were operating a club layout? I dare say, we wouldn't accomplish a thing save some great railroading rhetoric and esoteric culinary repartee. Happy rails, Ted.
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Posted by passengerfan on Friday, May 13, 2005 4:00 PM
Well another double Crown Royal with water back and a round for the house.
Re question about the CN turbos I personally rode them many times when I lived in Toronto. The first class turbo club dome was always the lead dome between Toronto and Montreal. They were slow accelerating to about 60. From 60 on they accelerated quite rapidly. I don't know what the weight of the Turbos was but do know that a single FPA-4 could pull the entire train when the Turbines were having winter problems. If at least one turbine was operational for hotel power it was not unusual for CN to use a single FPA 4 or FP9A to power the entire train the MLW units were able to operate to schedule while the GMD units would lose about ten minutes between The two largest cities in Canada. The turbos had an extremely comfortable ride and were quite quiet. The previous Rapidos were scheduled for 4:59 minutes between Toronto - Montreal and the turbos were scheduled for 4:30 minutes and never did achieve the 4:00 that was hoped for. When painted in the yellow and blue scheme for Via Rail they were nicknamed the Bic Banana's. Alkways enjoyed every trip on the turbos i took and am truly sarry they are gone. The problems the turbines had in the winter was the fine gritty snow so common to the area damaging the turbine blades. I could never understand this as the same Pratt & Whitney turbines were used in Dehavilland Dash 8 and -9 aircraft as well as numerous helicopters. It was always interesting to be first in line having a turboclub seat and rushing to get one of the seats in the dome behind the engineer who was separated from the Turboclub seats by a plexiglas door. You could look over the engineers shouder and second guess him all the way to Montreal. Although they changed enginners in Kingston both directions. The engineers on the turbo's wore grey suits instead of the usual striped overalls. The meals for turbo club passengers were served airline style from a gally very similar to airlines. Cara was the food service caterer and the meal were comparable with Air Canada first class also catered by Cara. My only complaint was the very abreviated wine list not much imagination and passengers rceived individual bottles that served about a glass and one-half of rather mundane Canadian wines from the Niagara region.
When ever the Turbos had to slow to cross over to the other main it seemed like it took a long time to get back up to track speed. With an FPA-4 in charge the train was back up to track speed much quicker or so it seemed. Never rode the turbo's in anything but turboclub so can not speak for coach seating on trains.
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Posted by nickinwestwales on Friday, May 13, 2005 7:39 PM
Well,good evening all,Jemima, a large slice of humble pie and a beer to wash it down with please. Peter,thank you sir,I stand corrected. Have checked back to photo`s and have #187(4-axle) among others Waterford service with mk2`s +van ,also #083(poss D83?)071,074 all on Dublin service,Having never seen them before and with no-one around to ask I just assumed they were the old Metro-Vicks with a make-over. Please,sit and join us,You`ll drink on my tab tonight. Chris-splendid news,looks like the good old "Je ne sais qois" works it`s magic again.....Nothing like a moonlight spin to melt a Ladies heart ,especially when you hold it down a gear and let the engine rev a little............ So,as we`re celebrating,a rolling rock with a lagavulin within arms reach ??-good man. Passengerfan-Looks like a big drink for you as well-A rare example of beaurocracy giving way to common sense-wonder how much of the "new" equipment will turn out to be pre-owned-could be some interesting combo`s there. Also thanks for the "ride" on the turbo,nice to know the F units I`m modelling could pull their weight in the real world-cant visualise that turbo in blue and yellow though. Rob,what you having there ?Large brandy & port will keep out the chills,good man,there you go. The only one from your list that I have solid info on is a Marklin 3-rail `Northlander` set with 3 unpowered T.E.E. cars,one a cab car plus what looked like an F7 rather than an FP7 and pretty basic with it--Nice to hear the new barn is on the way,with the annual temp. gradient you guys deal with,any shelter from the elements is good ,purpose built is gonna be like hotel living-Result!!.....Ted,my apologies for leading you astray,-I begin to suspect,that through a combination of age and lifestyle choices,memory is becoming more a matter of a general area than a specific location.................So,here`s my news,for the first time in about a year (honest) ,apart from a half hour with my daughter mentioned last week, I had a whole evening running trains -only the "Southern" part of the system in use at the moment and speeds low and loads light,just in case but all was well,few derailments,mostly my fault( well all really-I built it...)....Had forgotten how soothing the sound of wheels on rail joints is-suspect missisnickinwestwales may be looking at another quiet night in in front of the telly,on her own,fairly soon............Ah - it`s 1:32 am and the rugby club has just started "helping the guests to the door" so I think I`ll finish up here and go and watch the show ( in small communitys,you find your entertainment where you can-sad but true) see you all next time,Jemima,a round for the house please,G`Night All
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Posted by trolleyboy on Saturday, May 14, 2005 12:31 AM
Hello everyone. Passengerfan thanks for the turbo info. Looking at thepictures of the kits available and seeing your description of the trains themselves leads me to beleave that they aren't as detailed as I had thought, still it's a thought anyway.Ted I've aleady got a furball of my one thanks for the offer though.i'm luckey i chose a trainroom which has a door on it so unless she learns how to turn a knob my wiring should be safe.Reading the info on the various UK loco's is interesting I too was wondering which class was which but was to shy to ask so thanks ted for getting the air cleared up. I'm wondering (to you Brit rail types) which diesel class were the ones that looked like an F unit with the cab on both ends. For what ever reason i alway's though they were kind of a cool looking unit.Looks like the track crew kareoke getting loud again so I'll have to see whats going on the girls may have to cut them off early tonight. Well i'll talk to everyone later. Rob
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, May 14, 2005 8:25 AM
I can't stay long, this is a operating day at the "live steam" club in Seminole, Fl (7-1/2" gauge). I heard the fellow with the Union Pacific (Northern #8444) and 6 coaches will attend today. The tunnel is now finished (the only hill in Florida) and with fresh ballast on the "long main", some near protoype speeds may be attained. Still, there is time for a vignette from memories of Erin Isle. On a "early train" run from Dublin to Cork, I enjoyed a full breakfast (eggs, sausage, potatoes, muffin)) in the restaurant car and reflected on when this was still possible on U.S. Roads. Something else ocurred to me; I was actually eating my repast, not wearing it and at considerable speed. I shared a table with two businessmen from Dublin who were kind enough to recommend a hotel downtown. Euros were eroding my dollars at a rate of 20% so I opted for a bed and breakfast near the train station. This was a pleasant old townhouse with a breakfast menu "to die for." The subsequent "run outs" from Cork were to Cobh (Queenstown) via electric rail and Skibbereen via auto bus. Skibbereen is a tiny village where my Mother's lineage allegedly hailed from, although I found no evidence to confirm this. Cobh, on the other hand, was a charming seaside town where lunch took on "a life of its own" with shell fish extraordinair beginning with Moules mariniere. The return trip from Cork to Dublin was faster due to fewer stops en route.

Yes Nick, if the 27th is open for you, Ruth has that night free for wining and dining. As you know by now, dining has become an avocation in my dotage so any day is "open" for me. Good to hear Chris and Annie are an "item" now. The news from passengerfan is always on the "up" side of railroading and encourages me for seeing the "light rail" proposed between Orlando and Tampa come to fruition. Hopefully, in my lifetime, the I-4 corridor can be avoided altogether and the best "ride" will be to and from Disney World. I never cared much for the compressed air version of the American locomotive in any case. Well, I'm on my way to Central Park for my fair ration of cinders, soot and grime, so long for now. Oh, and thanks for keeping the soda bottled and not from one of those Smith and Wesson six shooters with as many flavors. Best regards to all, Ted

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Posted by siberianmo on Saturday, May 14, 2005 10:48 AM
Morning Gang! I have returned ..... what IS that smell? Oh, yeah, the girls and their perfume .... sort of blends in nicely with the diesel fumes, don't ya think? [;)]

This is only a quick stop .... gotta catch up on what's been going on 'round here - have about an inch thick stack of conversations to catch up on. Thanks to all of you for such a great job of keeping "Our" Place up and running! Really looks as if WE have got ourselves something here ..... [tup] [tup] [tup]

Curtains on the windows, talks of love and sweet talking the bartenders. My oh my, appears as if the girls really did add a bit of "something" to this old building. You'll all be happy to know that they have agreed to stay on ... how's that?! Business has picked up nicely, so they will be 'round here for some time to come ......... I'll post the schedule once I figure out "who is who" now that they have taken on new identities! [;)]

I'll be back later to fill you in on the rail travels - in a word: GREAT! Nice to be home, but those four days and nights traveling the steel rails were what the trip was all about for me. Needless to say, being in Canada for a week was also a treat - there's just something special about the Maritimes .......

There are so many of you that deserve lots of credit ... so I'll be sure to acknowledge you in my return 'epistle' ....

See y'all later! [tup] [;)]

Tom (Siberianmo) Proprietor of "Our" Place

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by nickinwestwales on Saturday, May 14, 2005 7:50 PM
Hey Boss-good to see you back,it`s O.K,I can explain everything-well,most of it anyway,-the police reports seem to tally with the blank bits. You`ll find the cash piled up in the bathtub ,as requested. Thought you might fancy a light snack whilst you unwind,so I laid out a tray of starters for you to take up and munch on,bang on the floor if you want more beer sent up. Oh,by the way,the Can-Am track crew have booked the dining room for some sort of "Lodge" meeting on tuesday evening,-if they drink like they did last week it could well be worth the overtime.......ROB: hi-sounds like you`re thinking of the English Electrics -Deltics and baby Deltics,type 3 and 4`s-also the Sulzer type 4 Peaks--by the way,thanks for covering the bar tonight-I didnt see too much from the kitchen hatch but I did think that was no way for ladies to behave......still, we sold a load of beer and some stuff from the fridge that I was starting to get anxious about got cooked and enjoyed,so all`s well......TED: The 27th it is,will try and get a menu selection to you in time for you to choose (and us to order) the wines....Now,with your family tracing it`s roots to Skibbereen surely you are not going to tell us you were unaware of the narrow-gauge line that used to run into there..?................O.K, Gentlemen all,thankyou for helping keep Tom`s bar up and running,I think I may be due one or two days off,--managed another evenings running tonight-hadn`t intended to,but she came back from the hairdressers with a well held grievience and a desire to be alone so I decided to make the most of the situation-managed to switch out all the traffic I moved yesterday and set up most of the return workings ready for my next foray. Think I`ve figured out a way to re-connect the "North" half of the layout temporarily,until I get all the wiring sorted out in the Metro staging yard....might as well run with the ball!!!!, O.K-I`m outa here,back to your host....Tom,the floor is yours,g`n all,nick
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, May 14, 2005 9:43 PM
Welcome home Tom, we missed you and that omni present reliance on your proprietership. I know it will take a while to gather your thoughts from the trip and run through the stack of mail. So, for now, just a howdy and let you know everyone is in fine health, anticipating news from your rail sojourn to the Provinces. I think you will be pleased with your decision to take on the distaff side for additional customer hospitality. And yes, perfume and curtains do add a measure of amiability previously lacking. So long for now, Ted
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Posted by trolleyboy on Sunday, May 15, 2005 12:31 AM
Good evening everyone. I'm just cleaning up since the bars closed tomorrow. Tom welcome home you will be happy to know that none of the fine china was harmed well you were gone and the ladies have indeed fit in quite nicely.The little caboose shaped window flower boxes are a very nice touch don't you think. That Ruth quite the little carpenter! Nick thanks for the loco ID's yes deltics that was the name that was stuck in the back of my brainbox.As I understood there are one or two of them preserved? Or are they still in use? Ted the live steam club sounds like a fine thing, there is quite a nice one in North Bay Ontario on their waterfront. The fellow who started it owns a live steam ride on manufactureing affair out of Corbeil Ontario. For any newspaper comic strip fans the lady who drew For Better For Worse's hubby is this particular gent. Well it is alet one so I will bid you all adieu. Tom happy reading and welcome home again. Rob
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Posted by passengerfan on Sunday, May 15, 2005 3:33 AM
Good Evening all and welcome back Tom.
Double Crown Royal and a round for the house.
Can't wait for Tom to enlighten us regarding his trip.
Well have been doing a little more research on that NYC Wolverine I talked about in earlier posts. Turns out there were two eastbound and two westbound trains all quite different. The two westbound were number 17 Wolverine between New York and Chicago via Detroit and number 33 the New England Wolverine between Boston and Chicago but did not run west of Buffalo as a separate train.
The interesting thing about the Wolverine is that although a streamlined train from about 1950 on the train was a mixture of Budd and Pullman Standard cars.
Dealing with the westbounds only Wolverines the coaches were stainless steel and were comprised of one or two P/S built cars and a couple of Budd for those traveling further. Head end cars were a Storage Mail car or two a Baggage Car and Baggage Crew Dormitory followed by the coaches. A dining car was next either a prewar streamlined P/S car or postwar Budd or P/S car it seemed that what ever dining car was available was it.
The following sleeping cars are listed in 1954.
6-DBR-Lounge New York - Chicago
6-DBR Lounge Boston - Detroit from #33 in Buffalo
10-Rmt 6-DBR New York - San Francisco beyond Chicago in City of San Francisco operated in Wolverine even days only.
10-Rmt 6-DBR New York - Chicago
10-Rmt 6-DBR New York - Chicago
22-Rmt New York - Chicago
10-Rmt 6-DBR New York - Detroit Saturday Only
12-DBR New York - Detroit Saturday Only
22-Rmt New York - Detroit Saturday Only.
10-Rmt 6-DBR New York - Jackson
10-Rmt 6-DBR Boston - Chicago from #33 in Buffalo
22-Rmt Buffalo - Detroit except Saturday.
That ought to be enougn switching for anyone Still a little more research necessary but looks like one of the Storage Mail cars originated in Boston and was transferred in Buffalo from #33 to #17.
Train 33 the New England Wolverine although through cars were operated to Chicago the train itself operated only between Boston and Buffalo. The coaches did not run west of Buffalo and the dining car terminated their as well.
A 10-6 from Boston to Chicago operated in #17 west of Buffalo.
A 6-DBR Lounge car operated Boston - Detroit west of Buffalo in #17 sundays only the rest of the week this car operated west of Buffalo in #47 the all Pullman Detroiter.
A 22-Roomette opertaed Boston - Chicago west of Buffalo in #19 the Lake Shore Limited.
The 10-6 from Boston to Pittsburgh operated west of Buffalo in P&LE #38
A 10-5 (prewar streamlined car) operated between Albany and Pittsburg in #38 west of Buffalo
A heavyweight 8-Sec. 4-DBR operated in #33 between Syracuse and Buffalo This car originated in upstate New York and was destined for Pittsburgh traveling west of Buffalo in P&LE #38
What an interesting pair of passenger trains to model.
Will try to cover the eastbound tomorrow if I can find the time to do the research.
Ta Ta for now.
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Posted by siberianmo on Sunday, May 15, 2005 2:15 PM
G'day all! Sunday afternoon and I'm still at it ..... unbelievable how much "stuff" accumulates when one isn't around to tend to it all. Anyway, thought I'd just let you know that I haven't forgotten the gang at "Our" Place .... I have a few "reports" to put together and will post 'em here and over on "Canadian Passenger Trains - Let's Talk!" [Trains magazine forum - Railroads]. Just taking a bit more time than I planned for.

Had some involved computer issues to settle yesterday - new hard drive - new operating system; need I elaborate further?! Anyway, I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel ........... Looks like a "babe" or two at the end of that tunnel, hmmmmmmmm.

My first reaction to the pages and pages of commentary by all of you is that I must have been overly concerned. Keeping "Our" Place up and running obviously wasn't a problem for you all and I'm very appreciative of your efforts - really. I fully intend to respond to many of your comments, personally, but first I've got to get through the pages of "stuff" I've printed out .......... wow!

A bit of information that I was going to post later - but here it is now: VIA Rail's "Ocean" will soon become all "Renaissance" equipment - I refer to it as the "Euro" train. The "Renaissance" cars had a bit of trouble along that route between Montreal and Halifax, called winter. Seems that the cars were not insulated for Canada's winters and some serious freeze ups resulted. A contract has been let for the modifications to take place to the "Euro" cars in Moncton, NB. No doubt they can use the work there - so I'd say that was a plus for the local economy.

Back to the story ...... with three train sets traveling the route six days per week (no departures at either end on Tuesdays) the Budd stainless steel cars were supposed to have been shifted to western service over a year ago. Problems with "Renaissance/Euro" cars kept one complete Budd consist on the line (Revelstoke Park bringing up the rear). As the freeze ups became more problemmatic, another Budd consist was added (Evangeline Park at the end), so that two of the three train sets are Budd cars.

On June 1st, one Budd consist gets taken off and the two "Euro" sets will have a Park Car at the end. Along with this will be a revised Easterly Class service .. essentially more of a tourist train atmosphere is planned for those purchasing this new booking. So, two of the trains will be all "Euro" with a Park Car until the end of the summer season - late September I believe. Then the Park Cars go ..... On January 1st, the remaining Budd consist gets removed and the "Ocean" will become all "Euro."

Also, the continental breakfast that was served in the Park Car as part of Easterly Class was eliminated. Additionally, while traveling westbound to Montreal, breakfast in the diner no longer includes a full menu - just a continental breakfast. Further, the evening menu only had two entrees and NO chowder! That was hard to take. I traveled that route in October 2004 and the menu had many more choices ...... So, VIA Rail has made some sweeping revisions to the service - and I didn't hear one positive word from passengers or crew about them. Looks a bit hostile to me, almost as if there's an attempt to discourage ridership.

Now, here's the rub - the trains are full. During my two round trips, all the bedrooms were booked (5 bedroom cars) and the coaches had in excess of 200 passengers as a "constant," which means they were in demand. On each visit to the dining car, there were waits for tables - something I haven't witnessed in years of travel on that route. So, it would seem that there's no problem with ridership.

So, if anyone is planning a trip aboard the "Ocean" and wants to travel aboard the Budd cars - do it soon. Once January 1st gets here, it will all be a matter of history. How sad.

That's it for now - of course we're "closed" on Sundays, but I had to check out the place, just to take note of what's been happening in "Our" Place. Seems like old times to be back and with your continued support, we'll keep this idea of ours humming along .........

See y'all in the morning - hopefully I'll have some photos for you by then. [tup] [;)]

Tom (Siberianmo)
Proprietor of "Our" Place

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by nickinwestwales on Sunday, May 15, 2005 5:08 PM
Hey Rob-yeah some preserved,I`ve seen one in either museum or collection somewhere-interesting loco`s-Prime mover design provided by Napier,adapted from marine propulsion systems-6 pistons sharing 3 double-ended cylinders in a tri-angle(hence the name,Deltic, from greek`delta`) arranged in banks around a crankshaft--(slightly sketchy about that bit--anyone confirm or deny ?) understand they were a touch temperamental,but when `on song` would cheerfully tow Scotland down to Cornwall-will have a hunt around,see where they all are. Well as it`s my night off and this place aint gonna serve me I`ll try that joint behind Can-Am Union Station that the customers have all been complaining about-with that much bad press it just has to be worth a look,O.K.guys,be lucky,happy or better still both-ah,here comes the `flyer`-right on time as usual-treat,its the FP9`s with the blue & golds!!!-thanks Tom!!,talk soon,nick
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Posted by nickinwestwales on Sunday, May 15, 2005 5:59 PM
Rob,me again-just spotted your reference to GO train on Tom`s other thread,-when did they start running up as far as Barrie ?-I thought the service stopped at Bradford,or is it a bus connection ?- If they go all the way,I can justify another set for the layout [^][^] apparently Athearn have released a third set of car #`s,although they are apparently 30th anniversary cars which restricts their timeframe--by the by,how many cars do GO use on that run(academic interest only,my loops will only take loco+5),thanks,nick
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 15, 2005 9:11 PM
Hi Tom, I'll have the usual (Crown Royal & soda) in case you forgot and a round for yourself and the "regulars." There was an interesting cameo on the "Travel Channel" tonight about this eccentric millionaire who bought Lucias (sp?) Bebee's old excursion car (Observation/Diner) along with a second "Party Car." The cars are heavy weight std. Pullmans and he hooks them up to AmTrak runs from time to time, just to "get away from it all" for a week or two. I wish I had known earlier so I could have sent out an "A.P.B." for the gang. Hopefully, one or two of the guys caught this because I was away from the T.V. in a compromising position (I won't elaborate) for the first portion of the segment. I did manage to see the oppulence of the interior furnishings which favored a French brothel circa, 1880's or so. This show is probably available on their web site, I'll check later. The costs for the lash-up and rate per mile was less expensive than I ever would have guessed. I suppose if you can afford the coaches, provisions, cooks, waiters, and staff; any other fees would go unoticed. Oh well, that is why I'm a modeler.

Say hello to the gals for me please. Oh yes, Ruthy and I are having a little tete-a-tete on the 27th in the back booth over-looking the mainline. Nick has generously consented to perform the culinary artistry for the occasion and I leave it to you for choosing which waitress will be ours for the evening. We shouldn't be later than mid-night; earlier if our relationship gravitates to either extreme. Naturally, I'll leave you an envelope for our waitress in advance. I'll check with Nick to see if 7:30 p.m. is too early for aperitifs. While this all sounds a bit stuffy and formal; not to worry. The dart board, juke box, shuffle board, hearty laughter are all "part and parcel" of this venue we both like so well. Its late, so I bid everyone a good night until tomorrow.
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Posted by trolleyboy on Sunday, May 15, 2005 10:41 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by nickinwestwales

Rob,me again-just spotted your reference to GO train on Tom`s other thread,-when did they start running up as far as Barrie ?-I thought the service stopped at Bradford,or is it a bus connection ?- If they go all the way,I can justify another set for the layout [^][^] apparently Athearn have released a third set of car #`s,although they are apparently 30th anniversary cars which restricts their timeframe--by the by,how many cars do GO use on that run(academic interest only,my loops will only take loco+5),thanks,nick
Hi Nick thanks for the Deltic info. They started rehabilitating the Barrie line last summer. It was bus conection from Bradford but the increase demand fortrain service has not fallen on deaf ears.They are redoing a station near downtown and if the trains haven't started yet they will soon.BTW don't worry about the thirty year paint I rode on a thorty year painted car last summer going to the CNE and saw several others parked in trains at Mimico so go for it.They will likely still be painted that way for the fortieth. Rob
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 16, 2005 6:57 AM
"DUHH, WHERE'D THEY GO, WHERE'D THEY GO, YUK, YUK.?" You know, when you're retired (retarded), the days go by seamlessly without distinction between say, Sundays, holidays, weekdays and so on. My last posting (had it not been cyber) would have found us all in the "hoosecow" for imbibing on a Sunday. Sorry Tom, I won't let that happen again. Unless, of course, you should decide to open the cellar Sunday p.m. for the "after Sunday School crowd." Nah, too risky...maybe the attic instead.

Passengerfan absolutely astounds me with his knowledge of fairly esoteric data on railroadiana! Such dedicated research in any other field would undoubtedly garner a Nobel Peace Prize. I promised yet another anecdotic episode of some past train travels. So I thought of my Mexico trek for brightening a dull Monday morning.

My friend felt the urge to answer Mother Nature's call shortly after we departed from Piedras Negras, Mexico. No more than a minute or so had elapsed when a veritable explosion imminated from the wash room in our compartment; then an expletive; then the door slowly opened revealing my friend's forlorn, lamentable condition. He had failed to lower the lid on the commode...well no need to go any farther. I took my leave and exited to the open vestibule on the last car for the purpose of recording the sounds of the train at high speed. I later incorporated this tape with additional sundry sounds on a master recording which I use as background while operating my "city scape" model R.R. All was back to snuff by the time I returned to our car and a Porter delivered our hot meals in styrofoam cartons directly. Mexican rail had cancelled all dining and club car services after we had made our reservations and this catered "room service" was their pitiful excuse for the omission. Had we been anywhere else but a train, I would've been really upset. More cars were added to our section in Saltillo bringing the consist to a 23 car train. I don't need to tell you there was one long walk ahead of us when we detrained in Mexico City. Later, I will apprise you of more sordid details of this Mexican adventure by rail. But, for now, I must say hasta la vista 'til another time. Tom, I hope this eases your anxiety for reduced services on your latest trip.
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Posted by trolleyboy on Monday, May 16, 2005 12:14 PM
Good morning everyone. Ted you seem to be a very early riser.I hope your friends predicament was brought on by to much sun and tequilla as opposed to too much Mexican water,either way the sordid details do indeed seem sordid.This reminds me of a charter we had at the museum 3 or 4 years ago.It was a group of beavers and cub scouts. We had everyone on L&PS #8 and everything was going as planned. Being that #8 is an intercity Radial car(interurban) it of coarse was equiped with two small restrooms in the "A" or number 1 end of the car. This car is a smoking/non smoking car the #2 end is the bagage / smoking section. On our return trip up the line #2 end leading the conductor noticed that one of the boys wandered up towards the #1 end not wanting him unattended in the control end he went to check on him unfortunatly the controls wern't his target he had slipped into one of the restrooms and well availed himself of teh facilities. We didn't get him to hear not to "flush"or if he heard perhaps his home taught habits of flushing when finished kicked in so yes he hit the ole floor treadle. Being a 1915 car yup you guessed it no retention tank or running water. We had just entered the yard and our GM at the time was kind enough to through the switch for us as he was working on the line car parked along side at the moment.I don't think he's warn those workboots ever again! Thankfully in 20 some years of running this car this is the only usage of it's restrooms.We left them be because they are the as fit equipment and our mandate is to leave the cars as factory finished as possible. We now leave these doors locked but it's an amusing anecdote at any rate. Talk to you gentle men later. Rob
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Posted by siberianmo on Monday, May 16, 2005 12:24 PM
G’day All ……… 35 pages of printed discussions have been read and I must say, I’m overwhelmed by the manner in which all of you have kept “Our” Place at the top of this forum since my departing post on May 4th. Of greater significance is your willingness to participate in this “cyber bar ‘n grill” atmosphere that somehow brings out some pretty interesting twists from those who appreciate “Classic Trains” and good times in our one of a kind establishment - “Our” Place.

Nick, you are without a doubt one of the most cheerful, humorous and imaginative “cyber” customers “Our” Place has ever had. If you would like the position of Manager of “Our” Place, it’s yours. If you’d rather be “Head Chef,” you’ve got it. Should both of these jobs meet your fancy, say no more. Of course, continuing to fill in as you have is also open for you.

When I left, our menu consisted of light breakfasts, super sized sandwiches (grinders/subs/hoagies/heroes/etc.) served ‘round the clock. Weekends had Pizza on Fridays with steaks ‘n fries Friday and Saturday evenings. As I’ve gathered, we “inherited’ a chef, who has had a bit of difficulty from time to time (hilariously chronicled by Nick) and the menu has grown to something more fitting for a fancy restaurant than a trackside watering hole. Nevertheless – if the customers want it this way, I’m all for it.

Now to the gals – as I’ve indicated in an earlier pre-return thread (?), they are staying on. All four of ‘em – the redhead, the blonde, the brunette and our raven haired beauty. The names given them seem to “fit,” and as long as we can figure out who is who – and that really shouldn’t be too difficult at the start of the evening! – let’s go with it.

Nick’s smoking policy is fine with me – I’m unaware of any health issues associated with cyber smoke in a cyber bar.

Also, “Nick’s House Rules” are officially adopted and have been posted in the pool room.

(1) All emotional baggage to be checked at the door.
(2) No ladies of negotiable affection before midnight.
(3) No whizzing in the spittoons at any time.
(4) The Ladies are always right, regardless of circumstance.
(5) Food available until Chef finds the bottle.
(6) Lightly oil & polish barmaids between shifts.

Nick Thank you for your efforts …….
Undoubtedly above and beyond the call. [tup] [;)]

passengerfan Your contributions continue to entertain, amaze and educate us all. While I feel as if we know one another, your given name is unknown to us. However, passengerfan is about as descriptive for the image I have of you as one can find. Thank you for keeping “Our” Place humming along, and you’ve done a marvelous job at draining my supply of Crown Royal! [tup] [;)]

*** A thing of beauty about “Our” Place is the melding of personalities while enjoying the atmosphere of the place. Your contributions also bring to the forefront many visions of railroading days gone by. Some people have a gift of description through the written word, and for what it’s worth, YOU DONE GOOD! Even under the alfluence of incohol. Thanx to you for being a regular and willing participant in our discussions. [tup] [;)]

Rob Since we first met over on “Canadian Passenger Railroads – Let’s Talk!” you’ve always “been there.” Thanx again and again for helping to keep this idea afloat. There’s lots of great information yet to be shared and much more to learn about the “Classic Trains” of yesterday – even those of today who will one day bear that mantra as well. You’ve got quite a gift for the details and descriptions – whether they be operational trains, museum displays or models. “Our” Place was designed for guys just like you and I’m happy to have you as a regular ‘round here. Thanx! [tup] [;)]

Ted Your contributions fall into the narratives above – meaningful, humorous, entertaining and insightful. I’m pleased that you “found” us and have melded in so easily. Our communications began by Email and I think you now ‘see’ that this thread was never designed to be in competition with any other. Rather the idea was to discuss “Classic Trains” and have a bit of fun while doing it. The cyber bar ‘n grill idea flicks lots of switches and the ability (thus far) to keep out those who would like to change our direction is in large measure attributable to the customer base we have established. Thanx for your efforts in my absence and my best thoughts for a speedy and quick recovery from your health issues. [tup] [;)]

Chris Smitten at “Our” Place. Well it could be worse, you could have found yourself in a situation similar to the one Nick described for Chef. Now THAT would be difficult to handle ……. Thanx for your willingness to participate and contribute. I’m sorry to say that I no longer have the “power” to marry people at sea (retired, you know). However, I figure if we get a couple of buckets of salt water – and each of you stick one foot in either bucket. Perhaps ………… [tup] [;)]

earlydiesels As always, your contributions are appreciated and I thank you for helping to keep us rolling along. We want to keep our doors open for those wishing to drop in and that is enhanced by our visibility on the first page of the forum. Thanx! [tup] [;)]

For all the others – Thanx to you too. I hope you’ll stop by again and take advantage of the good times ‘round here and of course, the great reading material our customers provide on a daily basis. [tup] [;)]

That’s it for now – still have to put together some additional posts and get started with the photo’s ……..


See y’all later! [tup] [tup] [tup] [;)]

Tom (Siberianmo)
Proprietor of “Our” Place

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by siberianmo on Monday, May 16, 2005 1:07 PM
Canadian Rail Journey, Part I

The first leg of my Canadian rail journey began on May 5th aboard VIA Rail’s “Ocean” bound for Halifax, Nova Scotia. Departing Montreal’s Central Station at 6:30 PM, the 12 car consist of Budd stainless steel cars slowly made its way across the St. Lawrence Seaway by way of the Victoria Jubilee Bridge (a unique rail and highway structure with a turnout and separate span over part of the Seaway). Train #14 was powered by two F40PH’s, 6419 leading and 6418 trailing.

NOTE: Discussions regarding the existence catenaries at the Montreal Central Station have taken place over on "Canadian Passenger Railroads - Let's Talk!". There ARE catenaries to the left when approaching Place Bonaventure. Montreal's commuter trains - "AMT" - run their F40PH's to the right and the electrics to the left.

The train consist included a baggage car, three coaches, a Skyline dome car, a dining car, five Chateau series bedroom cars and a Park car (Revelstoke Park).

Over the years, prior to getting underway, my wife and I have made a habit of sitting in the dome of the Park car, simply to take in the sights and sounds of the lower level of Montreal’s Central Station. Montreal’s commuter trains, some electrified and others not, made frequent departures along with VIA Rail’s corridor trains (LRC and Renaissance). Before we realized it, the train effortlessly began to move forward. Soon, the daylight enveloped the train and our long awaited journey “home” began.

As has been our practice, we booked a double bedroom – “D” – in the Park car, which for those who may not know, is the double with the most floor space. Our attendant, Claude, is an old timer and very much into ensuring that his passenger’s needs are attended to promptly and courteously. I should add that he stocked an adequate supply of Mr. Alexander Keith’s fine Pale Ale from Halifax, thereby putting my mind at ease regarding that aspect of my rail pleasures.

With a fair sky and receding sun, our train picked up speed and before too long, Montreal’s skyline was but a series of bumps on the rear horizon. One more pale ale, then off to the dining car.

Generally we begin our evening meal at the Drummondville station stop – about an hour and one half from Montreal. This evening was no different. We noticed straight away that the menu had been trimmed quite a bit, with only two entrees offered and NO chowder listed. This was quite a surprise and we wondered aloud what had happened. The reply was along the lines that VIA Rail had decided to make several changes to Easterly Class and the dining car service, all designed to save them dollars. While that strategy makes no sense to me, apparently the “bean counters” think otherwise. I should note that the dining car was very crowded and we had about a 15 minute wait for a table.

I don’t think that a trip with VIA Rail has ever resulted in our not meeting someone new and this particular journey was no different. There’s just that little something – no – big something that fosters the atmosphere for conversations to begin. A couple of more train travelers have been added to the “list” of people with whom communications will be maintained. That’s just the way it is. Try that out on an airplane!

One of the treats to take advantage of aboard the “Ocean” is sitting in the Park Car’s dome. These domes accommodate 24 people and at times the seats are all full. I particularly like it when there’s no one else there, especially at night, as the sights of signal lights, illuminated structures and the loco’s headlight play games with the shadows of the night. If you have never experienced this, it may be a bit difficult to envision. Daylight affords the opportunity of viewing the full train from the rear along the roof lines. Night time gives yet another perspective. It’s all part of the ‘wonder’ of train travel and something that will be sorely missed once the Budd stainless steel cars give way to “Renaissance” and the “Euro” cars.

After breakfast in the dining car, we returned to the Park Car dome and remained there until our long stop at Moncton, NB. This is where the loco’s get refueled and other matters get attended to. Scheduled for a 20 minute stop, we were off and running in 10. The train was a bit behind in schedule.

The track along the route between Campbellton, NB and Moncton, NB was a bit on the rough side – square wheel effect. This is attributable to the New Brunswick East Coast railroad’s inability to maintain the track in the condition that CN had done over the years they owned it. A rough ride for those in the diner, for sure. CN routes their freights along a different right of way, thereby giving VIA Rail almost exclusive access to that length of track. We didn’t see one moving NBEC freight during the trip. Many of the cars and loco’s we did see still had CP or CP Rail markings showing beneath the freshly painted NBEC livery.

Perhaps the most scenic portion of the trip is between Amherst, NS and Truro, NS where the track is pretty much located on the ridge line of the mountains (hills to those of you from the west coast!). Just wonderful scenery and good track most of the way. The westbound “Ocean," Train #15 from Halifax, passed us on the left side as we approached Truro. Those “Renaissance” cars just don’t look “right” to me and it’s going to take some time to get used to seeing them. Anyway, my guess is that they were waiting for us in a passing siding, as we were running about 20 minutes behind schedule.

The run from Truro into Halifax takes about 90 minutes and on this particular Friday, it was true to form. Some very pretty countryside and lots of lakes to enjoy as the “Ocean” sped onward to our final stop. Approaching the town of Bedford (now part of the “new” greater Halifax) I snapped yet another photo of “Mom’s” house – situated between the tracks and the water of Bedford Basin. Each time we make this round trip, two more photo’s get added to the collection. One day, I’ll assemble them, put them into a collage arrangement, and ship ‘em off to “Mom.” It’s only been 15 years worth ……..

Hugging the shoreline of the Basin and Halifax Harbor (Harbour) the “Ocean” wound its way past container freights and assorted cars waiting for assembly into outbound trains. We arrived at the station about 20 minutes late – which as far as I’m concerned is on time. Off to the platform and picture taking, while my bride patiently waited, wondering, “Why does he do this every time?”

VIA Rail did it again – delivered us safe and happy to the beginning of what would turn out to be a wonderful week of trains, ships and a War Museum.

To be continued ……….

See y’all later! [tup]

Tom (Siberianmo)
Proprietor of “Our” Place

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by CFournier on Monday, May 16, 2005 2:13 PM
Hello Tom, welcome back.
A little humor to start the week:

>The Gunfighter
> In the days of the Wild West, there was a young cowboy who wanted more than
>anything to be the greatest gunfighter in the world.
>He practiced every minute of his spare time, but he knew that he wasn't yet
>first-rate and that there must be something he was doing wrong.
> Sitting in a saloon one Saturday night, he recognized an elderly man seated
>at the bar who had the reputation of being the fastest gun in the West in his
> The young cowboy took the seat next to the old-timer, bought him a drink,
>and told him the story of his great ambition. Do you think you could give me
>some tips?" he asked.
> The old man looked him up and down and said, "Well, for one thing you're
>wearing your gun too high. Tie the holster a little lower down on your leg."
> Will that make me a better gunfighter?" asked the young man.
> Sure will," said the old-timer.
> The young man did as he was told, stood up, whipped out his .44 and shot the
>bow tie off the piano player. That's terrific!" said the cowboy, "Got any
>more tips for me?"
> Yep," said the old man, "cut a notch out of your holster where the hammer
>hits it. That'll give you a smoother draw."
> "Will that make me a better gunfighter?" asked the younger man.
> "You bet it will," said the old-timer.
>The young man took out his knife, cut the notch, stood up, drew his gun in a
>blur, and shot a cufflink off the piano player. "Wow!" said the cowboy, "I'm
>learnin' somethin' here -- got any more tips?"
> The old man pointed to a large can in a corner of the saloon. "See that axle
>grease over there? Coat your gun with it."
>The young man went over to the can and smeared some of the grease on the
>barrel of his gun. "No," said the old-timer, "I mean smear it all over the gun,
>handle and all."
>"Will that make me a better gunfighter?" asked the young man.
> "No," said the old timer, ".... but when Wyatt Earp gets done playin' the
>piano, he's going to shove that gun up your ***, and it won't hurt as much"
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Posted by siberianmo on Monday, May 16, 2005 2:58 PM
Now for some photo's to go along with my Part I commentary: (Click to enlarge)

Montreal's Central Station train board

Carol in Revelstoke Park car at Montreal

Carol in Revelstoke Park car dome at Montreal

Dinner in the "Louise" Dining Car

Tom and Revelstoke Park Car in Moncton, NB

Passing Train #15, the "Ocean" north of Truro, NS w/Renaissance equipment

The "Ocean" at Halifax, NS

The "Ocean's" F40PH loco's at Halifax, NS


See y'all later! [tup] [;)]

Tom (Siberianmo)
Proprietor of "Our" Place
Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by siberianmo on Monday, May 16, 2005 3:03 PM
Hi Chris,

Must have just missed one another ...... have one on me! [tup] [;)]

Good joke ...... that will lighten up the boyz at the bar a bit .......


Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by passengerfan on Monday, May 16, 2005 6:41 PM
Noticed the picture taken inside the Park dome . When I last rode one they did not have that shiny speaker on the front bulkhead and the trash recepticle is new as well don't ever remember seeing them in CPR or CP Rail Day or even early VIA. There was a speaker as I recall but it was painted the same color as the rest of that front bulkhead. Most interesting front bulkhead in a dome was that of the P/S built Columbian domes of the B&O they featured a speaker, speedometer and altimeter as well as temp gauge.
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Posted by nickinwestwales on Monday, May 16, 2005 7:31 PM
Well Tom, Hi-good to see you back in your rightful place,welcome home !! Well,a round for the house,a tray for the kitchen,an Alexanders for yourself and I`ll have 2 of those bottles of Staropramen Czech lager I stashed in the big `fridge in the kitchen....ah, lovely,thank you. Right ,where`s my list TED: Hi-all times good with me,You mentioned a Gallic preference with the menu,how about-share a bowl of Moules Mariniere with hot wholemeal bread,chicken & asparagus crepes,Porc Normande with pommes duchesse & veg de jour ,dessert trolley ,coffee,liquers & cheeseboard-You`ll notice that the latter courses can be abandoned at short notice,should the tug of cupids arrow prove too strong..........ROB: Thanks for heads up about the GO trains-my reference to timeframes was leaning the other way-I`m still happily turning a blind eye to a G.T.F3(withdrawn `70) sharing rails with a "Canada" scheme VIA F40ph working a version of the old `Northland` night train to Kapuskasing.......The problem for me is those cars have "1996 or later" painted on them,nothing else on the layout is that date specific---where does one draw the line ???.........CHRIS: Hi-I see you there,sneakin` in,distracting us with a quick stand-up routine and then absconding with a member of staff,without even buying a drink-shame on you sir !...........Now,TOM:-Thank you for the kind words my friend,it was no trouble at all,quite the opposite, in fact I would be delighted to accept the position of Chef,if still available. I have a wide-ranging C.V. within the licensed victualling trade and on my nights off I play guitar in bar-bands,so whilst I may be rather weak on the Classic trains area of the establishment ,I should be s**t hot at the "Bar & Grill of whatever type you all want" bit of it.....perhaps a limited a la carte at the weekends and a couple of lunchtime specials,see if anybody bites....? By the by,-you mentioned earlier the quality of description on this thread,You too spin a tale like a mariner born-perhaps this is an outlet for the frustrated author in us all...? O.K.,one more for me,one yourself and the same again for any of this crew that can still order it intelligably.... P.S Love the look of those graceful fluted Budd cars against those brutal looking F40` Chris started the evening with a joke,why not make monday "shaggy dog" night- best contribution,by popular acclaim wins dinner for two,sat. night.......Right,I`ve just checked the fridge and it lookslike the lunch specials are:Extra-deep Chilli bowl & garlic baguette for the eat & run crowd and Mediteranean Platter ( mixed olives,cornichons,cocktail onions,cherry tomatoes,feta cheese cubes,salami twists,garlic croutons,calamari ) with a basket of breads,for the sit and nibble crew...whoa now,is that a whistle I hear-sounds like two on,ah yes here they come,6419+6418 with 12 on including 5 sleepers..........................sleep well one and all,I`m for the moonlight mile,nick
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Posted by siberianmo on Monday, May 16, 2005 8:30 PM
Evening Nick - it's good to be back. Appreciate all you took upon yourself to keep this place humming .... and absoluely, you are Chief Chef with as much up front cash as you need from the bath tub upstairs. Haven't had the time to sort through the cash stash, much less the police summons stacked up with the mail. I just can't imagine any rowdy behavior 'round here. Don't suppose those Rugby boys played a bit too rough, do you? Back to Chief Chef - are you planning on retaining the services of our former cook (you apparently hired him!) - if so, no prroblems. Just ensure that this time he knows the difference between the essential body parts of men and women!

By the way, the gals are scheduled to work Fridays and Saturdays - their choice. Week nights as they wish. Only "rule" I have, is no hanky panky in the kitchen. Pool tables, above or beneath, should work - but not in the kitchen and not while on duty. [}:)]

Those Budd corrugated stainless steel beauties do deserve a better looking set of locomotives - I agree. Nonetheless, the F40PH's have done yeoman like service in North America and while they are rather sterile in appearance, they seem to have the heart of a lion.

The Alexander Keith's flowed rather freely aboard my rail journeys - and it became quite a "thing" between the attendants and yours truly when I asked for 'nother of Alexander's finest. Had several served to me in the dome - ran a tab of course. What a way to travel ......

The only time I traveled by rail in Europe was in 1971. Took the train from Ulm, West Germany to Paris. Spent three days and nights there and moved on to *** to meet up wtih my ship for the return voyage to Boston. I'm sure the ship could have found North America without me - but duty called.

The trains were wonderful experiences - had first class accommodations - and as always seems to be the case, a bit of sadness overcame me as those trips came to an end. Same thing with the four days and nights in Canada last week. Just cannot get enough of riding the rails - no matter where.

Looks like the Monday night regulars have set up shop in the pool room - gotta get a tray ready with some fine lager.

Take care Nick and just keep me informed of what provisions you require in order to keep up with the menu you have planned. We'll post Nick's Picks right next to the 'standard' bill of fare. Should work out well.

See ya! [tup] [;)]

Tom (Siberianmo)
Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by passengerfan on Monday, May 16, 2005 9:46 PM
Tom I envy your trip and the real name is Al. I really need a double Crown Royal with water back tonight and while I'm at it a round for the house. The war department said it was time to clean my desk area (research department) or she was pouring expensive gasoline on it and getting rid of the mess once and for all. I tried my usual plea that I knew where everything was at the way it was and if I straighten it out it might take me months to find what I am looking for. It all fell on deaf ears even the crocodile tears didn't work or ranting and raving. I even tried a new argument that genius was supposed to be a little messy, and she said slobs are a whole lot messyI finally relented just to please her and it probably will take me a month to find anything again, serves her right.
Actually I found some things I have been looking for for days. But can't let her know that she finally bribed me with a lunch at my choice of dining establishments.
I will never understand that if it bothers the war department so much wouldn't it be simple to just close the door and not look at it.
Somethings I will never understand and as I get older I am coming to the conclusion that I am not supposed to.
Will have to find my research material on the eastbound Wolverine and start all over again
Make that one more double Crown Royal for the road and phone a taxi for the ride home please! And don't forget the house they deserve a round too listening to my rantings this evening.
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Posted by trolleyboy on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 12:04 AM
Tom thanks for your kind words.It was a pleasure not a chore helping you out in this fine establishment.BTW some very nice shots there,those euro-cars look small and insignificant when shot from the dome of the park car. Here's hoping that they keep the Budds going as long as the wheels will carry -em. I've noticed quite a few Budd cars through here latley though we never see anything more interesting than the coaches and an occastional baggage on the montreal bound train. I had a rare treat on Sunday I was up at the museum helping set up the gift shop and a couple of the guys came in and asked Heather's mom and I if we wanted to be "ballast" So we said sure. We got to be the first ever passengers on London Street Railway #23 the guys had her out to stretch her legs after we closed for the day. She needed some resistor work ( re- made fabricated from scratch by our workshop boys) it's hard to get parts for 1901 streetcars.Quite a ride she's a big car and I wasn't sure what it would be like. 23's an open bench car but a double trucker so it's not like riding on our normal use open car 327. 23 is the big yellow car Heather is sitting on in the pictures I sent you Tom. I hope this means the restof us will now get operational training on her so we can use 23 on busy weekend days,instead of always having her as a barn display. Well folks it'sd a late I'm off for now talk to you all later. Rob
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Posted by siberianmo on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 8:04 AM
Morning passengerfan Al! Help yourself to a light breakfast, right over there by the freshly brewed coffee urn.

QUOTE: passengerfanPosted: 16 May 2005, 18:41:46
Noticed the picture taken inside the Park dome . When I last rode one they did not have that shiny speaker on the front bulkhead and the trash recepticle is new as well don't ever remember seeing them in CPR or CP Rail Day or even early VIA. There was a speaker as I recall but it was painted the same color as the rest of that front bulkhead. Most interesting front bulkhead in a dome was that of the P/S built Columbian domes of the B&O they featured a speaker, speedometer and altimeter as well as temp gauge.

Well, I would've thought you had noticed a few other "items" before focusing on the speaker! Hmmmmmmmm - makes me wonder, is this what happens after all those years of riding trains? [}:)]

As mentioned previously, we've been traveling aboard those Park Cars for 15 years and the arrangement in the dome hasn't changed. The trash can - the buit-in speaker and the glass case containing the emergency hammar, have been fixtures. I don't recall being aboard any Pullman Standard domes - but then again, I may have, but just didn't know (or care at the time).

QUOTE: passengerfanPosted: 16 May 2005, 21:46:32
Tom I envy your trip and the real name is Al. I really need a double Crown Royal with water back tonight and while I'm at it a round for the house. The war department said it was time to clean my desk area (research department) or she was pouring expensive gasoline on it and getting rid of the mess once and for all. I tried my usual plea that I knew where everything was at the way it was and if I straighten it out it might take me months to find what I am looking for. It all fell on deaf ears even the crocodile tears didn't work or ranting and raving. I even tried a new argument that genius was supposed to be a little messy, and she said slobs are a whole lot messyI finally relented just to please her and it probably will take me a month to find anything again, serves her right.
Actually I found some things I have been looking for for days. But can't let her know that she finally bribed me with a lunch at my choice of dining tablishments.
I will never understand that if it bothers the war department so much wouldn't it be simple to just close the door and not look at it.
Somethings I will never understand and as I get older I am coming to the conclusion that I am not supposed to.
Will have to find my research material on the eastbound Wolverine and start all over again
Make that one more double Crown Royal for the road and phone a taxi for the ride home please! And don't forget the house they deserve a round too listening to my rantings this evening.

Al Some things are better left where they are ... I'd have thought by now you would have figured out the better course to follow when dealing with the female logic. They win - you don't - case closed - life goes on. [}:)]

I'll be working on Part II of my trip report and post a few more pix along with it. The one thing "nice" about that shot in the Park Car's dome is when you enlarge it (click on it) you will see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel! It was taken trackside at Montreal's Central Station right before departure ..... the rooflines leading to the daylight. Love that experience [tup] [;)]

Enjoy! [tup] [;)]

Tom (Siberianmo)
Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by siberianmo on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 9:17 AM
Morning Ted! Help yourself to one of our light breakfasts ... right next to the steaming hot, freshly brewed java urn .....

QUOTE: Ted D. KramerPosted: 15 May 2005, 21:11:09
Hi Tom, I'll have the usual (Crown Royal & soda) in case you forgot and a round for yourself and the "regulars." There was an interesting cameo on the "Travel Channel" tonight about this eccentric millionaire who bought Lucias (sp?) Bebee's old excursion car (Observation/Diner) along with a second "Party Car." The cars are heavy weight std. Pullmans and he hooks them up to AmTrak runs from time to time, just to "get away from it all" for a week or two. I wish I had known earlier so I could have sent out an "A.P.B." for the gang. Hopefully, one or two of the guys caught this because I was away from the T.V. in a compromising position (I won't elaborate) for the first portion of the segment. I did manage to see the oppulence of the interior furnishings which favored a French brothel circa, 1880's or so. This show is probably available on their web site, I'll check later. The costs for the lash-up and rate per mile was less expensive than I ever would have guessed. I suppose if you can afford the coaches, provisions, cooks, waiters, and staff; any other fees would go unoticed. Oh well, that is why I'm a modeler.

Say hello to the gals for me please. Oh yes, Ruthy and I are having a little tete-a-tete on the 27th in the back booth over-looking the mainline. Nick has generously consented to perform the culinary artistry for the occasion and I leave it to you for choosing which waitress will be ours for the evening. We shouldn't be later than mid-night; earlier if our relationship gravitates to either extreme. Naturally, I'll leave you an envelope for our waitress in advance. I'll check with Nick to see if 7:30 p.m. is too early for aperitifs. While this all sounds a bit stuffy and formal; not to worry. The dart board, juke box, shuffle board, hearty laughter are all "part and parcel" of this venue we both like so well. Its late, so I bid everyone a good night until tomorrow.

I've traveled aboard one of those rather oppulent consists some years back - all mahogany and teak wood on the inside. Unbelievable characeter .... There is an outfit in these parts who rents out their cars and loco's for excursions and the like. I had belonged to a group of rail proponents who made our annual trek to the state Capital (Jeffeson City) in order to have our voices heard at a scheduled meeting in the Capitol Rotunda. Anyway, the organizers had arranged for these "classic" heavyweights to be coupled at the end of Amtrak's regularly scheduled service to Kansas City (Jeff City is a 2 hour run, KCity is 5). So, after having attended these shouting sessions for years, I decided (along with a buddy of mine) to ride the "classics" to KC and back. Great time - nicely appointed - dome car - tavern/lounge car - rear observation with deck - ahhhhhhh. A good time was had by all. The meeting? I could have dusted off my notes from previous years - same rhetoric - same empy promises - no changes.

Good luck with Ruthie - I'd hate to lose her, but it's all completely understandable - biology and all that stuff. [}:)]

QUOTE: Ted D. KramerPosted: 16 May 2005, 06:57:53
"DUHH, WHERE'D THEY GO, WHERE'D THEY GO, YUK, YUK.?" You know, when you're retired (retarded), the days go by seamlessly without distinction between say, Sundays, holidays, weekdays and so on. My last posting (had it not been cyber) would have found us all in the "hoosecow" for imbibing on a Sunday. Sorry Tom, I won't let that happen again. Unless, of course, you should decide to open the cellar Sunday p.m. for the "after Sunday School crowd." Nah, too risky...maybe the attic instead.

Passengerfan absolutely astounds me with his knowledge of fairly esoteric data on railroadiana! Such dedicated research in any other field would undoubtedly garner a Nobel Peace Prize. I promised yet another anecdotic episode of some past train travels. So I thought of my Mexico trek for brightening a dull Monday morning.

My friend felt the urge to answer Mother Nature's call shortly after we departed from Piedras Negras, Mexico. No more than a minute or so had elapsed when a veritable explosion imminated from the wash room in our compartment; then an expletive; then the door slowly opened revealing my friend's forlorn, lamentable condition. He had failed to lower the lid on the commode...well no need to go any farther. I took my leave and exited to the open vestibule on the last car for the purpose of recording the sounds of the train at high speed. I later incorporated this tape with additional sundry sounds on a master recording which I use as background while operating my "city scape" model R.R. All was back to snuff by the time I returned to our car and a Porter delivered our hot meals in styrofoam cartons directly. Mexican rail had cancelled all dining and club car services after we had made our reservations and this catered "room service" was their pitiful excuse for the omission. Had we been anywhere else but a train, I would've been really upset. More cars were added to our section in Saltillo bringing the consist to a 23 car train. I don't need to tell you there was one long walk ahead of us when we detrained in Mexico City. Later, I will apprise you of more sordid details of this Mexican adventure by rail. But, for now, I must say hasta la vista 'til another time. Tom, I hope this eases your anxiety for reduced services on your latest trip.

Don't worry about the Sunday restrictions - really. Since Nick added his "touch" to the place, Lord knows what else "lurks" in the shadows! [}:)]

Wholeheartedly concur regarding our friend Al aka: passengerfan a veritble treasure of insights and information regarding "Classic Trains." I'm beginning to believe that if they existed, he rode 'em! [;)]

Never had the pleasure of a Mexican rail journey. It must have been something indeed. I saw NdeM in Montreal on my last trip - an electrified loco. However, I was aboard an LRC returning from Ottawa and didn't have the time to snap a pix ... from the looks of it, perhaps it was in for maintenance. A long way to go, for sure. But I do understand the connection between Canada and Mexico insofar as rail is concerned.

Regarding my lament over the reduction in services in VIA Rail's Easterly Class and in the diner: I'm happy for having had the opportunities to travel with them when I did. Change is all around and cannot be stopped. Sometimes we accept it, other times not. For me - I dwell in the past, perhaps too much, but I really like it there. [;)]

See ya! [tup] [;)]

Tom (Siberianmo)
Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
  • Member since
    January 2001
  • From: WV
  • 1,251 posts
Posted by coalminer3 on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 9:42 AM
Just a quick fill of coffee for the thermos and back to it...Many thanks for sharing the pictures of the VIA cars, scenery, and other activities. I still find it hard to get used to VIA F40s. BTW, what were the entrees in the diner?

Dome cars at night are definitely a highlight of any trip; brought back memories of the CZ, Pocahontas and the Southern Crescent.

Note to passenger fan: I recall the N.E. Wolverine behind steam (4-8-2s) out of Boston and later behind diesels. It was, indeed, a mix of HW and LW cars.

work safe


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