Brass N.W.S.L. Logging Engine

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Brass N.W.S.L. Logging Engine
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, September 15, 2003 6:55 PM

I have a brass engine, painted nicely by my late husband. It is Baldwin Saddle Tank Logging Prairie, HO scale 2-6 2-T, circa 1920. Since my grandson has no interest in model RR I am thinking of selling the engine but although I know what my husband paid for it, I don't know the current value.

Can anyone help me out here? I have looked all over the internet for it, perhaps it is no longer made.[:o)]
  • Member since
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Brass N.W.S.L. Logging Engine
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, September 15, 2003 6:55 PM

I have a brass engine, painted nicely by my late husband. It is Baldwin Saddle Tank Logging Prairie, HO scale 2-6 2-T, circa 1920. Since my grandson has no interest in model RR I am thinking of selling the engine but although I know what my husband paid for it, I don't know the current value.

Can anyone help me out here? I have looked all over the internet for it, perhaps it is no longer made.[:o)]


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