Additional info on DFW - Atlanta proposed service.

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Additional info on DFW - Atlanta proposed service.
Posted by CMStPnP on Monday, November 28, 2022 1:29 PM

So it is a new Long Distance Train and Amtrak is not asking for ANY contribution for an operating subsidy from any of the states along the line.    See notes at bottom of article.   I wonder how that is possible?    Do they anticipate it will be a rip-roaring success and pay it's own way?    Kind of interesting Amtrak would stipulate that for a Long Distance train that is new in an untested market.


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Posted by Overmod on Monday, November 28, 2022 2:08 PM

More power to them... 

... but if you thought the Gulf Shores service discussions were contentious, I expect some of the ones concerning this route to be thermonuclear.

Didn't we have a long and fairly well-detailed thread here on this a while back?

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Posted by blue streak 1 on Tuesday, November 29, 2022 3:48 AM

This article  is dated and old report.  Jan 10, 2022 may not apply today as much as I would like it to be a hard fact.  We relly need to wait for the STB final approval of CP - KCS merger request..

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Posted by CMStPnP on Saturday, December 3, 2022 7:30 PM

.. but if you thought the Gulf Shores service discussions were contentious, I expect some of the ones concerning this route to be thermonuclear.

Completely disagree.    Both sides to the discussion on the Mobile service stated the outcome would serve as a pattern across the rest of their SE rail networks.   So why would they go back on that and suddenly blow up on the next route?    So I am pretty sure the negotiation will be smooth going for the Dallas Extension of the Southern Crescent.     TRE - OK with it,  CP - OK with it, now NS is OK with it.    Point me to something that indicates differently.

As far as line capacity and where Atlanta Union Station is located and the rest of that stuff.   Amtrak has $66 Billion in it's pocket.   Additionally it has stronger support now more than ever due to climate change for developing new corridors.   I don't think a revamp of Atlanta is out of the question.

You guys were insisting on railroad Armageddon for any kind of Front Range Service in Colorado and that is also still planned.    Colorado even went so far to state that laying new tracks is not off the table as part of the solution.

So I think you tend to be a little on the pessimistic side of the fence.    Lets give it time and see when more of this unfolds before slamming the door shut so quickly.

Also I live next to the KCS main to their Dallas Intermodal Terminal.   I owned and ran a business next to their original Main into East Dallas (which is more heavily used than the latter).    I am just not seeing all these freight trains on the Dallas side of the fence.   So unless they are routing them all to Mexico or to KC...............where are they?

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Posted by MidlandMike on Saturday, December 3, 2022 8:36 PM

... You guys were insisting on railroad Armageddon for any kind of Front Range Service in Colorado and that is also still planned.    Colorado even went so far to state that laying new tracks is not off the table as part of the solution.

I agree that the outlook is better for a Front Range corridor.  Past obsticles were congestion on the Joint Line, and objections in conservative Colorado Springs to government subsidized passenger rail.  Now coal traffic is down, and the political landscape in the Springs is evolving.

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Posted by bill613a on Saturday, December 10, 2022 5:17 PM

IIRC there was much discussion since the mid 80's about this topic but little action.  The times are different now and this service is possible.  One thing now that was true back then is what do do about service to New Orleans. An obvious solution would be to have a section split off at Meridian to NO similar to the Boson section of the LSL.  Since the main thrust of this proposal is service from the SE to D-FW why not offer service to Houston and San Antonio as well.  This could be done by splitting the train in Birmingham and running via Montgomery and Mobile to NO and finally onto Houston and San Antonio giving major Texas cities more options. Outside of the corridors Amtrak is at best skeletal so why not shoot for the best bang for the buck.

As for the SUNSET/EAGLE I would run it on a direct route STL-SA on a revised schedule allowing for daylight running via AZ and LA. The HEARTLAND FLYER would run on an extended route to Houston. Buses could be used for various connecting services. Most major cities on these routes would have two daily trains

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Posted by CMStPnP on Monday, December 26, 2022 6:08 PM

Details of Amtraks Mobile agreement are starting to leak out.   NS and CSX stuck Amtrak with all sorts of track construction requirements.    I think 5 new passing sidings, siding extensions (multi-mile long) and crossover somewhere,  they are building a totally new track now to bypass the frieght yard there instead of just signaling one of the tracks through the frieght yard.    It's going to cost a small fortune for Amtrak or the government to get that done.   I believe Amtrak expects federal grants from the DOT under their new program.

Amtrak got soaked again though, heh.    The outcome didn't read like much of a give and take negotiation rather NS and CSX demanding what Amtrak had to get done with track before they would conditionally accept passenger trains.    The agreement was obtained via FOIA request but additionally Amtrak did not want this to leak to the public for some reason.    Though now I believe most is on an Amtrak press release now.

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Posted by BaltACD on Monday, December 26, 2022 7:59 PM

Being retired for the past 6 years and being away from the centralized round building enviornment since 2008, I am not up to date on the present day operations of the terminal of New Orleans and the NO&M sub division.

I did have those areas as a part of my territory in the mid-1990's when the Sunset Limited was operating three days a week in each direction, which scheduling would have both direction trains on the territory on the same day.  With the railroad that existed at that time, keeping the Sunset moving was a struggle for the Train Dispatcher in concert with all the freight traffic on the line.  One thing to remember - Between New Orleans and Mobile there are ELEVEN drawbridges that exist to allow the movement commercial water traffic.

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