Congress getting impatient with Amtrak not expanding rail service with the new money allocated.

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Posted by BLS53 on Thursday, November 17, 2022 5:21 AM





Looking from the old world perspective, if the focus is travel between Chicago and Fla., might routing from Memphis to Jacksonville (using CN from Chicago) be a more workable choice?

You would have to get out of Chicago FAST, and pay for significant signalling and track upgrades more than likely Memphis to Jacksonville...


I'm assuming this isn't having the train make a square corner at New Orleans and then reconstitute the eastern part of the Sunset Limited adding traffic to the Mobile trains that have already caused such consternation.  We have discussed that already.


You could just run the train across the ex-Southern from Memphis to Chattanooga after you get that far, and take it south from there as Amtrak's plan says with the connection to Nashville being one of the planned day trains.  Or (although this is a bit of a kludge) run from Memphis (or perhaps via Fulton?) up to Bowling Green and then south to Nashville which is comparatively few route-miles.

I have no idea whether you could get any joy out of running east from Memphis to Grand Junction and turn south there, then back east near the Gulf coast.

I still fail to see the problem with the trackage between Louisville and Nashville.  All the times I went through Sonora on 65 in the middle of the night (where there is a very fast piece of railroad) I have never seen a train.


Disregard. I just figured out I replied to this thread a month ago, and had to delete these last two posts where I stated the same thing as I did last month. Apparently the site doesn't have a simple delete button, hence the mess I've made.


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Posted by Overmod on Thursday, November 17, 2022 6:51 AM

EV charging wouldn't be done via the 'existing' HEP.  I'd expect dedicated battery-hybrid systems installed either on the carriers or on special cars added to the auto-carrier consist, with careful arrangements to charge vehicles or groups of vehicles sequentially or in rotation to minimize peak current.  Very little of what would be needed hasn't been discussed in other contexts of optimizing BEV recharging with limited assets at best cost.

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Posted by Overmod on Thursday, November 17, 2022 6:55 AM

The 'convention' for deleting a post on one of these systems is to just type a period (.) which is semantically the smallest character as well as meaning 'finito'.

You can add a couple of lines underneath as to why you deleted content if you see fit.

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