Trains Magazine
Light rail ridership
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<p>As noted in the American Public Transit’s 2013 Fact-book, the growth in light rail, as a component of the nation’s transit systems, has increased significantly. Nevertheless, at the end of 2011, the latest year for complete figures, as per Table 11, light rail had just 1,397.5 Directional Route Miles (DRM) or 11.7% of the total transit DRM. Commuter rail had 71.6% of DRM.</p> <p>According to Table 5, in 2011 light rail accounted for 4.2% of unlinked passenger trips (UPT) and 3.9% of unlinked passenger miles (UPM). Buses and bus rapid transit accounted for 50.4% of UPT and approximately 36.4% of UPM. Commuter rail had 4.5% of UPT and 20.4% of UPM, whilst commuter buses had just .4% of UPT and 1.8% of UPM.</p> <p>In 2011 the average speed per revenue mile for light rail was 15.6 mph, compared to 12. 7 mph for buses and bus rapid transit. Commuter buses averaged 25.6 mph, and commuter rail clocked in at an average of 32.7 mph. Transit Vanpool averaged 39.3 mph, no doubt because many of these services run relatively long distances without many stops.</p> <p>Of course, the speed varies significantly depending on the system, route, time of travel, etc. For example, the average speed on DART’s red line from Parker Road Station to Union Station in downtown Dallas for a mid-day, weekday train is 26.9 mph. The average end point to end point speed for a mid-day, weekday train on the Trinity Railway Express is 31.5 mph.</p>
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