Trains Magazine
EMD/Progress Rail SD70Ace tier 3 1010
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<p>[quote user="Shadow the Cats owner"]The problem is the railroads themselves have flat our said we will not buy anything that requires SCR or DPF on it to meet emission standards. They saw how badly via their heavy service trucks how those engines preformed when they first came out. [/quote]</p> <p>I don't think this was the main reason. The Class 1 railroads estimated $1.5 billion costs to build the necessary DEF infrastructure.</p> <p>But what is the better way? EGR led to problems with PM emissions and EGR valve failures on trucks. I haven't seen any reports about such failures on GE and EMD Tier 4 locomotives. But perhaps they were newly design from scratch with the primary focus on emissions.</p> <p>The problem without aftertreatment is you need lower ignition temperatures to reduce NOx but that increases PM. So there are a number of additional measured needed to keep PM in check.</p> <p>With aftertreatment you can use higher ignition temperatures to get rid (as far as possible) of PM and use SCR to comply to NOx standards. The EMD E23 engine, the 710 for the marine sector, is Tier 4 marine compliant with just SCR, no DPF needed.<br />Regards, Volker</p> <p>I'm not sure if the Class 1s refusal of exhaust aftertreament was wise in the long term. When the next emission stage comes and CARB already pushes for a Tier 5 or GHG reduction gets required, aftertreatment might be the only way to go.</p> <p>I think it is just a question of when not if.</p>
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