Canadian National 7456 0-6-0 Work Sessions Sidney, Michigan

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Canadian National 7456 0-6-0 Work Sessions Sidney, Michigan
Posted by Robteed on Saturday, September 8, 2018 6:40 PM

Railyard Productions has been asked to coordinate some Work Sessions on CN 7456 in Sidney Michigan. The locomotive is settling into the ground and needs some roadbed work done to fix that problem.

The current plan is to extend the track in front of the locomotive and then pull the locomotive & Tender forward. Then replace the Ballast and Ties, and push the locomotive back to its original position. We are not planning on moving the rolling stock. We have the Track, Tie Plates and Rail on hand. We are seeking guidance, labor, materials, tools, donations, etc.

We have had some work sessions on this locomotive in the past but this is a really big project and we appreciate any help we can get.
Thank You,
Rob Teed
Railyard Productions
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