Will the Pioneer Zephyr ever be restored?

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Will the Pioneer Zephyr ever be restored?
Posted by zkr123 on Friday, July 17, 2015 6:57 PM

Is it possible to fully restore the Pioneer Zephyr? I know it has been at the Smithsonian for a long time and would love go to see it up and running again.

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Posted by Leo_Ames on Friday, July 17, 2015 8:23 PM

She's not in Washington and she already was cosmetically restored about 15-20 years ago.

If you're talking about an operational restoration, that isn't in the cards. She's a prized display at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, in a pit that has been built over.

She isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. 

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Posted by NorthWest on Friday, July 17, 2015 10:12 PM

The B&M Flying Yankee is very similar, and is under operational restoration (though this seems to be one of those projects that drags on for decades) but will probably not see main lines. 

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Posted by Dr D on Saturday, July 18, 2015 12:38 AM

The PIONEER ZEPHYR was constructed for the CB&Q as a light weight stainless steel high speed passenger train.  The unique stainless steel construction of the cars used a spot welded technique developed by the Budd Company.  The trainsets did not use couplers but shared common "Jacobs trucks" which ment the train could not be broken down.  The power car featured a unique 8 cylinder Winton diesel-electric engine which was developed for US Navy submarine power and was of about 600 horsepower at 750 rpm.  The trainset was diesel-electric drive with the traction motors in the lead engine truck.  Light weight was the key to the design and the train achieved 112.5 mph speed on its inaugural run to Chicago.  The original 8 cylinder Winton engine EMC model 8-201-A was eventually replaced in 1939 with an EMC 567 which was an upgraded design.

Unlike the steam locomotive, the technology to restore the diesel engine is widely available throughout the world.  Most of the wear and tear of an internal combustion engine is readily repairable.  This is true from historic automobiles to historic World War II fighter planes like the P51 Mustang - to 100 year old airliners like the DC 3 - next time one flys overhead listen to the Wright Whirlwind engines - manufactured by Wright Aeronautical and Wright Company founded by the brothers who invented the airplane.  All of this technology is highly rebuildable.

Procedures common to such internal combustion engine restorations include crankshaft regrinding and or replacement with new custom made.  Cylinder boring and replacement with custom made pistons by a wide number of companies.  Cylinder resurfacing with hard chrome and or reuse of original pistons.  Additions include a host of electric motor and generator rebuilding and rewinding procedures which are common throughout all of this technology base.

It should be noted, however, that none of these repairs are of the complexity or complication and massive investment of labor as is required of the railroad STEAM locomotive.  No ultrasounding and disassembly of massive steel boilers, no hydraulic testing of anything that size and none of the massive investment in machining of parts of such great weight are required.  

It is also likely that many spare diesel locomotive parts exist in NOS (new old stock) in inventories around the world because the Winton design of Electro Motive Corporation was used in so many other GM diesel electric railroad locomotives.

I often wonder why such historic trainsets as the famous Santa Fe ALCO PA's are not fully "historicaly restored" rather instead they have their internal powerplant (prime mover) pulled out and replaced with just about any other convenient power source.  Which while convenient seems to me to be historically inappropriate.

As I said the ZEPHYR train and powerplant were a unique light weight train set.  The cars shared a common "Jacobs truck" and the diesel was a single engine unit.  Similar additional trainsets consisting of several coaches a parlor car and baggage car were built for the CB&Q and eventually featured an uncoupler between the train and power car to allow the power car to be changed out.  

These ZEPHYR trainsets ran on the CB&Q into the 1960s and I can remember seeing one in a passenger consist on the Burlington in the 1960s with conventional GM Burlington E unit power.

I might also add that the CB&Q redeveloped three of its 3000 series "hudson" steam locomotives as substitute power for the ZEPHYR.  These were the CB&Q 4000 - 4003 engines named AEOLUS.  It seems a 3000 horsepower steamer would be quite a powerful replacement for a 600 horsepower diesel electric in a train consist the size of the ZEPHYRs even on a temporary basis.  I bet they rolled out with steam power much faster than they ever did with diesel electric. 


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Posted by Firelock76 on Saturday, July 18, 2015 8:19 AM

Uh, Doctor D, love 'ya buddy but "100 year old technology on a DC-3"?  I've got an uncle who flew on a C-47 (DC-3) during World War Two who'd take GREAT exception to being called a 100 year old antique!

No matter.  However the steps you state as being feasable for a diesel powerplant restoration are easier said than done, and would require quite a bit of that old bugaboo, money.  It's what's held up the restoration of the Flying Yankee, there's no parts available for the original Winton engine, a substitute diesel engine has to be found and fit, and so forth, to say nothing of all the other work that has to be done.

Yes, with enough time and money you can do anything, but I caution everyone who enjoys going to airshows where restored World War Two aircraft are on display to enjoy them as much as you can, because one day those planes are going to die a second death from which there'll be no recovery.  Lack of spare parts, metal fatigue, lack of people with the expertise to rebuild them will all be contributing factors.

Hate to be a killjoy but that's the way I see it.

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Posted by 54light15 on Saturday, July 18, 2015 10:47 AM

My father told me that after the PZ's dawn to dusk run, the train toured the U.S. and his whole school in Towanda, Pennsylvania went down to the station and watched it go by.

A 100 year old DC-3, R4D, C-47, Dakota? It'll happen in less than 30 years!

By the way, Orville and Wilbur did not "invent" the airplane. They were just the first ones to make it work. It was actually invented by the French. I've seen pictures of old French magazines of the 1860s and depicted on the cover of several was an airplane, with a fuselage, wings, tail,cockpit and landing gear all in the proper locations. An airplane that anyone can recognize in it's configuration. Only, it had a smoke-belching steam engine. Had internal combustion come along earlier, I think there would have been flyable aircraft long before Kitty Hawk.  Besides, the French named all the parts of aircraft as well. Fuselage, Nacelle, Empennage to name a few.


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Posted by Wizlish on Saturday, July 18, 2015 11:43 AM

By the way, Orville and Wilbur did not "invent" the airplane. They were just the first ones to make it work. It was actually invented by the French. I've seen pictures of old French magazines of the 1860s and depicted on the cover of several was an airplane, with a fuselage, wings, tail,cockpit and landing gear all in the proper locations. An airplane that anyone can recognize in it's configuration. Only, it had a smoke-belching steam engine.

Ripped off from the British.  Google Cayley, Henson, and Stringfellow and you'll see.

And before you laugh too hard at steam aircraft:

(sorry about the soundtrack they used...)

Wonder if Maxim's Thornycroft boiler would have made the Bristol Tramp practical?

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Posted by dknelson on Sunday, July 19, 2015 10:26 AM

Meanwhile the Illinois Railroad Museum's Nebraska Zephyr trainset, also articulated, and pulled by the last EMD E5, has been taken out on the mainline from time to time, most recently just a couple of years ago in excursions to Quincy and back.  Those cars have something of that same low-to-the-ground "worm runner" appearance as the Pioneer Zephyr compared to the Budd type "heritage" cars we are more familiar with.  When the train came through Mendota IL it set off about a dozen small grass fires that a bunch of us stomped out.  Reportedly it was sparks from the (food) grill although the locomotive might have been burning some built up carbon deposits as well.  There are unconfirmed rumors that the crew, either deliberately or due to unfamiliarity with a diesel locomotive that has no built in speed governor, got it up to 100 mph during those runs on the old CB&Q raceway (a really long tangent with relatively few grade crossings).  I do recall hearing the dispatcher remark to the crew a friendly reminder about track speed.

Dave Nelson

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Posted by Victrola1 on Monday, July 20, 2015 3:38 PM

Whatever happened to the Mark Twain Zephyr. Is it still restorable to run?


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Posted by schlimm on Monday, July 20, 2015 7:28 PM


Whatever happened to the Mark Twain Zephyr. Is it still restorable to run?



It's unclear where it is (Chicago?  St. Louis?), but it's in poor shape.


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Posted by Firelock76 on Wednesday, July 22, 2015 7:39 PM

Dr D's comment about 100 year old technology on the DC-3 several days ago jogged my memory.  Time to hit the books...

OK, it was a stretch to refer to the DC-3 as a 100 year old aircraft, BUT, if we're talking about all-metal aircraft then Dr D was more correct than he realized.

Back in 1915 Germany's Dr. Hugo Junkers began experimenting with all metal aircraft, and by late 1917 / early 1918 he had three of them in production!  The J-1, a low-level recon two-seater with an on-board radio and an armored "bathtub" for the pilot and observer, the CL-1, a ground attack two-seater that was very, very good, and the D-1, a fighter that was a bit of a disappointment, just not very maneuverable.  Hey, two out of three ain't bad!  By the way, those Junkers all-metal aircraft gave Allied pilots fits, they were VERY tough to shoot down.

So, all-metal aircraft DO go back 100 years.  Isn't that something?

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Posted by Dr D on Thursday, July 23, 2015 9:29 AM

Although we might be familiar with the Douglas DC-3 aircraft from the Second World War as the Dakota C-47, the design began with the Douglas DC-2 in 1934.  Dates from 1934 to 2016 puts the anniversary of this aircraft in about 15 years which about everyone is willing to concede is an operational life relatively close to and beyond a century.  

My forum discussion was about the technology of the internal combustion engine and I offered this observation that the DC-3 aircraft and its engines are still viable in modern commerical aviation having long outlived the lifetimes of the CB&Q California Zephyr, Donald Douglas and the Wright Brothers companies.

As a Boy Scout I remember going to the Detroit Metropolitan Airport and Detroit City Airport in the 1950s and seeing fleets of Douglas DC-3 aircraft in operation.  For years I also watched the faithful droning of these slow moving aircraft traveling overhead across the city.  

Later as World War II fighter aircraft were being collected and flown at airshows I marveled how the venerable old Douglas DC-3 which pre-dated these WWII military aircraft continued on in daily commerical service!  

Last year the US Coast Guard was detail maping the Lake St. Clair, Detroit River shoreline with various photographic processes for Homeland Security.  The airplane they were using was not some modern spy plane but the venerable old Douglas DC-3.  For two days this aircraft flew over the shorline for miles creating these photograps for national security purpose.

The Douglas DC-3 airplane is still in commerical service today with probable use into the indefinite future.  

Except for "lack of interest in them," I still see no reason the CB&Q Zephyr's could not be returned to service fairly easily with their original GMC Winton power.


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Posted by LensCapOn on Thursday, July 23, 2015 9:45 AM

Short form. Wiki on DC-3. Honest 100 years old in2036, some key tech back till 1927 (Luck Lindy's flight to Paris).


First flight December 17, 1935
Introduction 1936
Status Active service with small carriers
Produced 1936–1942, 1950
Number built




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Posted by Wizlish on Thursday, July 23, 2015 10:49 AM

Dr D
Dates from 1934 to 2016 puts the anniversary of this aircraft in about 15 years which about everyone is willing to concede is an operational life relatively close to and beyond a century.

Yes, but to put this in perspective, you also need to look at the operational characteristics of transport aircraft in ... oh, 1915 or 1916, vs. the state of the art in the early Thirties.  Looks a great deal different when viewed in the right perspective, doesn't it?

Now, on the other hand, I have seen a picture of a German airliner from 1919, which looks recognizably like a DC-3 in material and streamlining, except that it has those archaic-looking rotary engines without cowlings.  So if wartime-scale development had indeed continued past what became the Versailles treaty restriction on German aircraft development, and the 1920-21 recession that killed early airline development, we might well have seen SOMETHING in duralumin monococque construction early enough to be celebrating its 100th anniversary soon.

Of course, the radio community celebrated the 100th anniversary of radio broadcasting in 2004.  (Before anyone complains, that's "music broadcasting, without charge to the receiving party other than owning a compatible receiver".)

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Posted by Firelock76 on Thursday, July 23, 2015 6:11 PM

God bless the DC-3 / C-47, Donald Douglas, and the rest of the boys who designed and built it!  In my humble opinion the DC-3 due to its excellence of design, longevity, and ability to do any job assigned to it is the best aircraft of all time.

Others like the Lockheed C-130, the Boeing B-52, the Bell "Huey" helicopter are catching up, but the ol' Gooney Bird still leads the pack.

A side note:  I was in Denmark in the fall of 1976 and saw a squadron exercise of Danish Air Force C-47's.  It was a thrill and I've never forgotten it.  Like a mini D-Day!

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Posted by CSSHEGEWISCH on Friday, July 24, 2015 7:22 AM

The Winton engine (201-A) was not used in that many EMC/EMD locomotives.  It was only used in the early Zephyrs and Cities streamline trains, a family of switchers (SC/SW/NC/NW/NW1/NW1A), a handful of E's (EA/EB through E2) and some other odds and ends.  It has little to no commonality with the 567 engine.  Unless you are willing to machine your own parts, maintaining a Winton engine in operating condition will be difficult to nearly impossible.

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Posted by rcdrye on Friday, July 24, 2015 9:59 AM

The guys who were rebuilding the Winton 201-A in that was in the B&M/MEC Flying Yankee had completed just about everything except a final test before the train was moved from Claremont NH to Lincoln NH in 2005. That work was most likely wasted, as the folks doing the still-uncompleted restoration were considering using some other power plant.  In the process of restoration the Claremont guys had made a fair number of spares.

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Posted by Leo_Ames on Friday, July 24, 2015 1:16 PM

Sadly, they decided going with the Winton wasn't a realistic proposition. They've actually auctioned off parts from it in the years since, which hasn't gone over well in the preservation community that found that thought very appealing and donated money specifically to further that cause (Didn't Trains even contribute one of its earliest grants towards the Winton restoration?). 

Her engine is as much part of her story as the carbody itself. While I believe it was foolhardy to try to return it to operation, it should've been cosmetically restored and gone on static display in a complete state along with other major mechanical components they've since also decided to not utilize (For instance, her original traction motors, rewound and ready to go as I recall, also ended up not being part of the plan). They'd serve as an important complement to a restored and running Flying Yankee even if they were mere static displays. 

Unless something has happened recently, progress has been stalled for quite a few years and hasn't been well managed after its promising early start (Albeit wasting much too money on the Winton during those earlier years, among other well meaning mistakes before the project's management went down the drain and the money ran out).

At this time, besides memories and a very incomplete and stalled restoration that has yielded a half finished train with no promise of completion, perhaps the most valuable addition to the preservation community that has came out of this one is a lesson on what not to do the next time. 

Hopefully she'll at least be cosmetically finished someday, under cover at an appropriate location, and accessible to the public. 

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Posted by 54light15 on Friday, July 24, 2015 3:21 PM

If you have an interest in Junkers aircraft, visit the Deutsches Museum in Munich. They have models of almost every Junkers ever built and some real aircraft such as a French-built (in 1952) JU-52! Used by the French navy until 1981 when it was donated to the museum. The railway section is awesome with a green Bavarian Pacific type S 3/6. Gorgeous! It takes about 3 days to really see everything they have.

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Posted by schlimm on Friday, July 24, 2015 4:06 PM

Ju-52s ("Tante Ju") were first built as 17-seat airliners for Deutsche Lufthansa in 1931.  There is a fully (still has its original P&W engines) restored one, a JU-52/3m, the oldest flying JU-52 - named Tempelhof - built 1936, which I saw flying several times over the Englischer Garten in Munich two or three years ago.  Amazing to see.

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, July 24, 2015 4:24 PM

No one has mentioned the "General Pershing" in St. Louis?

It may not have any of the Zephyr cars with it, but unlike other Zephyr trains, this unit uses standard couplers, rather than the shared-truck/drawbar system. Meaning it could power any excursion set.

The Pershing's engine is also operational, although the traction motors, brakes, and electrical systems all need work. Not the end of the world, but it could be worse, like the "Mark Twain". The important thing is the diesel engine doesn't need (much) work.

For work needed, and compatibility with other equipment, I'd say the Pershing would make the best choice for mainline excursion service, although it has no train set of it's own. But that is just my opinion.

-S. Connor; out.

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Posted by Firelock76 on Friday, July 24, 2015 5:27 PM

54Light, one of those Junkers J-1 recon aircraft is on display up in your neck of the woods at the Canadian Air and Space Museum in Ottowa.  I've seen photos, it's in rough shape, but it looks like it's mostly all there.

By the way, ever seen that movie "Battle of Britain?"  I saw the film in 1969 when it was released here in the US, and when that JU-52 showed up during the opening titles (with that magnificent "Ace High March" playing in the background) you could tell who the aviation fans in the theater were.  There was a loud "GASP!" from quite a few people in the audience, myself included.  You should have heard the background chatter...

"It's a JU-52!"

"WHERE'D they find it?"

"I didn't think they were around anymore!"

Critics didn't care for the film, but every aviation fan I know loves it!  Anyway, the REAL stars of any aviation film are the airplanes, not the actors.

At least until recently when they started computer generating the flight scenes.  It's just not the same.

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Posted by leonardofan on Monday, July 27, 2015 5:44 PM

The Lufthansa Foundation's Ju-52/3m's P&W engines are NOT original. (But it is a blast to fly in it!)

The planes were originally built with BMW engines. There is one still flying in Switzerland with the original engines.

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Posted by BaltACD on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 12:05 PM

If it was originally built by man - it can be rebuilt by man.

All it takes is money and time - both in mass quantities.

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Posted by 54light15 on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 4:34 PM

Firelock, I have seen the Junkers in the Ottawa museum. It's not perfect but there it is. I remember reading about Martin Caidin who wrote the story "The six million dollar man" and the article said that he owned a JU-52 with more modern engines. I think Lufthansa has one that they will charter just as Air Canada has a Lockheed Electra that they will charter. I won a 30 minute ride on it about 6 years ago and it was awesome! The interior was modernized, sort of like a King Air, but boy was it great! What sweet music those engines made!

I saw "The Battle of Britain" when it came out and it was written about extensivley in my old man's various aviation magazines. They used most of the Spanish air force to make that picture,I think. Something else- if you ride the Croydon tramlink in London, at the end of one line there is a bus to Biggin Hill! 

You're right about the modern movies and CGI. I saw the movie "Red Baron" not long ago and yes the planes look authentic, the rotary engines were spinning but it was all fake. I recently saw "The Blue Max" starring George Peppard and Ursula Andress' you-know-whats and while they may have been fakes (the planes, not Ursula's) they were real aircraft.


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Posted by Firelock76 on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 6:47 PM

Ya know, I've always had a soft spot for "The Blue Max."  There's a lot of things I could nit-pick about the film, such as the pilots are too old (most World War One aviators were in their mid-twenties), the camoflage and markings on a lot of the planes were incorrect, George Peppard's character's wearing a cavalrymans uniform when he came from the infantry and so forth, but I really have to give the film-makers a big "A" for effort for reproducing all those World War One aircraft.  The flying was first-rate, and that Jerry Goldsmith score couldn't have been better.

And James Mason had the best line in the film...

"All right Stachel you can take her up now.  And let's see some REAL flying!"

You should have heard all the snickering and nervous laughter in the theater, me included!

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Posted by 54light15 on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 7:36 PM

There is also one of the most under-rated flying movies ever made, "Darling Lili" with 5/8? scale SE-5s, As I recall they were called "Currie Wots" for some reason. These were also written up in flying mags back then. Many years later I saw one of those aircraft disassembled on a trailer on I-84 in New York. You couldn't mistake the shape of the radiator.

Howard Hughes "Hell's Angels" uses authentic aircraft as well. No CGI back in 1930, I guess. Funny thing about that picture. They're supposed to be flying over battlefields but it sure looks like California farmland to me.

That airplane that Stachel flies is a Heinkel 50, I'm pretty sure. Wasn't produced for another 10 years or so. He should have been flying a Fokker D-8, I would think.

 About time and money making all things possible, I have restored my share of old cars. Figure out how much it will cost, quadruple it and you will still come up short. Same goes for how long it will take.


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Posted by Firelock76 on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 8:17 PM

Oh yeah, Howard Hughes' "Hells Angels."  I've seen it, dumb-dumb-dumb storyline but absolutely fantastic flying!  Real SE-5a's, some real Fokker D-7's with some Travel Air Fokker look-alikes to flesh things out a bit, a real Sikorsky biplane bomber (the Army Air Corps wasn't interested so Hughes bought it to use in the film, then wrecked it!  I wonder what ol' Igor thought about it?), and some special effects that were absolutely amazing considering the film was make in 1930.

The "experimental monoplane" Stachel flys was actually a French Morane from the 1920's.  I don't know if it was supposed to be the Fokker D-8 but it hardly matters.   The really surprising thing is George Peppard did some of his own flying in the film.  The really on-the-edge stunts, no, but when you see the shots of George in the cockpit of a flying aircraft he's really flying it.

Like I said, a really good film.  Better than the novel, by the way.

I've only seen the beginning of "Darling Lili" where Julie Andrews leads the people in the theater in a medley of World War One songs, very inspiring if you're a World War One buff like I am.  If the flying's as good as you say it is I'll have to watch the whole thing when I get a chance.

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Posted by gap920 on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 8:25 PM
Search for a realistic view of 201 restorations. You may need to find a 6-cylinder 567 instead.
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Posted by schlimm on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 10:26 PM

The Lufthansa Foundation's Ju-52/3m's P&W engines are NOT original. (But it is a blast to fly in it!) The planes were originally built with BMW engines.

Sorry.   Although of course most Ju 52s used BMW engines, the Deutsche Lufthansa Berlin-Stiftung aircraft was built with P&Ws. Specifically, in its original configuration, designated the Ju 52/1m, (1 motor) it was a single-engined aircraft, powered by either a BMW or Junkers liquid-cooled engine. However, the single-engine model was underpowered, and after seven prototypes had been completed, all subsequent Ju 52s were built with three radial engines as the Ju 52/3m (3 motoren — "three engines"). Originally powered by three P&W R-1690 S1 H1G Hornet radials 550-600 hp, later production models mainly received 574 kW (770 hp) BMW 132 engines, a licence-built refinement of the Pratt & Whitney design. 


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